The battle between good and bad or a battle that tou fight in, for doing good and letting the light of life shine through you is, good and well you can choose to enact as the Devil and do something bad
You knock at the door of life to let you in, you see a door and windows but no walls, yet you stay to the door and so do you wait or do you just walk right in, for is their a door when their is no walls?
Thank you for being who you are and doing what you are doing the best that you can in the world that of fallacy, as in that would life is hard because someone1 is making it that way,in the real world of life is only easy; we are the cleanest that we ever been, thanks to clean/fresh water flowing as in "the/a shower."
What are you worth, you are the only 1one that has the power to be you and you are the only 1one that is able to hold such power, that you become that powers home, as that simply is the power lives through you/acts as a team mate/s, as like, what everything else dose of this world is working together as being so that all can live by the 1one place being that we are 1one people; everything is made up of how your empowerment of self love towards yourself is part of the flowing flow being in your life as you are to be something that can never be destroyed and only be able to be existing or if you’re living life now that means you exist forever and you can only act like you have forgotten "whom you are," to be then, of who you are, is taking a journey to be able to see when you would wake up to be realizing that there’s more to life and see that you can see more to life because you have the power of living life that is being as to be seeing if you would recall yourself when you are willing to be acting like you forgot whom you are so you can then fully come to be "who you are."
You made it this far and can make it all the way when you are willing to be in control of your will-power is something you are given when you are created to be here, so you are this ready of living life and that is only some of what you are because of whom you are; you always have someone1 near you that loves you because they know your true beautiful beauty, that you are back home and know that you are at a point upon the ever forever journey that is simply said for the "Now=Soul," plus this human experience being as, is of it's own journey, simply, taking to being 2two journeys at the same time, kind of making it a quest to see if you can be yourself no matter what and to be able to see your power max level.
Anyone else really freaking tired of their life?
You are just getting started to live this life everyday you are a bit more of yourself then you where yesterday, before you got to sleep say that you going to have a great day and it's going to be something worth yourself in time; you just have to keep focusing what you want and mindfulness of have everything you need to do what you need to do and be the hero that you been waiting for because no 1one is going to do it for you when you are fully able to do it for yourself with all you have to do is fully be able to see the change, it just takes time and you can do it if you are willing to be more and more focused looking about quantum physics, then you would know it’s already done it’s already taken care of and you are living a beautiful life.
Wat if ur tired of putting in work?? Cuz I am. I've always been working and advocating for myself and others but when will it pays off if theres no one to appreciate ur doins. I want to give it my all, I really do. But at this point I'm questioning myself: is it really going to be worth it??? I distance myself from everyone even my family to pursue wat I want. Now I'm here realizing, like dang, I went through all that to end up lyin to myself.
You always got to keep going, it takes focus to have things things to be part of the path way of it being the line to follow as the journey; you are So blessed to be gifted with the power of foucs, that when you simply take the focus, your focus that gave it a start as it's life in the first's you that has the power to create life. You have to be the 1one that is the hero to someone1 might never get to be able to shear that with you, their hero, you have to be the first 1one that is able to smile for what life you bring to the table of creation for it is beautiful; for each times you do something you gives someone1 the able to be more in life, stepping in life that where never to be their untell you created with your powerful free will for it to be a creation in of creation, such as you are. If you want to give it your all and in your willingness to create as what is like your natural state of being at home, is something that has to give you the able to see that in the times of your lows, you have too be at your best; for you are a pure devine soul having a human experience, being that you are a soul and never the vessel as such as the body that allows you to be in such a state of being able too see the lower dimensions. It's only going to be worth it if you keep your focus on it so that it can be alive, for you are a soul(soul and journey can and are the same thing, for God is a constant, timeless being as to be forever never changing in and always being; for a soul is forever channing of creation, in are powerful beauty having the powers of creation of to be the creation from the creator of God's, making us in the image of creation creating in like kind of our true selfs)that is playing a game of free will that allows us to act like we forgot who we truly are, so that we may see what we choose 1onces we don’t know what we are, who of the whom we are and in that to see how powerful the power of connection too of ourselves that is to always have the power to be what we truly are have been carried into creation by the absolution of self absolute; for, the only true lie is to believe that you are just human, something that is dirty/sinful and has to have something to come and save it, because that have been indoctrinated by the dogma's of religion and religious actions of crusades that area nothing more then that that wishes to hinder the light and continual in the continuum of darkness delight.
finding spirituality reminds me that I am strong enough to fight through anything. What has your spirituality taught you about yourself.
That i AM and we all are God sparkes and have the full power of controlling are world, that I AM a soul having a human experience, as we all are; that I’m here to be a vessel a conduit, so that light has away of being in and channing it, by being if and choosing to be use my free will to do so.