The racing in my brain
The racing in my brain
Never slows, never stops
It rushed like a highway with twists turns and loud noises
The prospect of that highway coming to a stop
Is terrifying
Every morning is the same
The rush
A pill
Some traffic
Traffic slows the rush but does not stop it
It’s always there
My thoughts are scattered and my focus impaired
Emotions are stronger and hiding them becomes more and more difficult to do
School is hell
Trying to hear the lesson or do that assignment is made so much harder due to those cars
Ever driving through my brain
Stopping from memory to memory
And sometimes a car stops
At a memory I don’t want to relive
Those horrible thoughts and memories replayed over and over until I’m feel like I’m going to explode
But on the outside all you see is the tap tap tapping of my pencil on the desk
She just needs to try
She’s just lazy
She’s just stupid
They act like I can’t hear the hurtful things they utter from their lips
I want to cry out and tell them
My adhd does not make me stupid!
But I don’t
I stay quiet
That rush of cars when focused on one thing can make something beautiful
A song, drawing, dance, or poem can bloom from the organized chaos
The Chaos of thoughts and feelings
Is always there
Rushing and rushing like a highway
But sometimes a car breaks down and it does stop
And so do I
Because all of my thoughts are too much
That organized chaos that focused on something good is now focused on the pain, hurt, and anxiety
And I can’t get caught up in another thought or memory
And just like that car I breakdown too
Unable to move forward or backwards
There’s nothing else to do but cry