Our sense of morality ties us down, makes us differentiate between good and bad. The greatest burden we carry is that of our own compunction
write about (romantic) love as a person who has never been in love before. i wanna see what your *ideal* of love looks like. would you let go of it for a chance at something good? romanticize love, or maybe talk about a steady home.
Ended February 23, 2022 • 6 Entries • Created by Manya
Write a micro horror story
Has to be horror, good or bad ending is up to you. By micro I mean something which is 600 words or less, and follows through a maximum of 3 scenes. Oh also- end the story with a powerful statement for extra cred, I love those xD. Please tag me in the comments so I can get a look at your work!
Ended August 31, 2021 • 1 Entry • Created by Manya
We Were Liars
So for those of you have read this (those of you who haven't, you totally should), you totally remember that song in the middle, right? Finish it. If not the whole song, just complete maybe a couple verses.(tag me) Here's the song to jog your memory:
Our youth is wasted
We will not waste it
Remember my name
'Cause we made history
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na...
Ended September 22, 2020 • 0 Entries • Created by Manya
That one story...
You know that story? The one story you love, but doesn't fit into any challenge? Well, give it a home and post it here. Don't forget to tag me @Manya
Ended February 29, 2020 • 8 Entries • Created by Manya
Describe a flashback. It may be in your dreams,while you lie unconscious or even as a blackout. It's up to you.
PS: I might have a post... it won't count
Ended February 28, 2020 • 7 Entries • Created by Manya
Evil Arises: `Twins'
This is pretty much the first challenge, except that the keyword is: Twins. Your story must revolve around one or more pair of evil twins. Also, you must begin with a prologue. Although I decide the winner, the number of likes and reposts do affect the result. Don't forget to tag me @Manya
It's my life
Write from an abandoned six month old kids perspective... what do you see? Everything's confusing, you want food but nobody knows or cares...
Ended March 31, 2019 • 0 Entries • Created by Manya
The bully
May be the classic playground bully... may be something more sinister. Up to you.
Ended April 2, 2019 • 3 Entries • Created by Manya
Evil arises
Write a story in which the whole scenario is flipped over... i.e: evil wins. The person may be evil in the eyes of one person; it may be circumstance that made him evil, he may be just pure evil. It also can be betrayal, or the hero turned evil. Please tag me @Manya
Ended April 1, 2019 • 19 Entries • Created by Manya
Your First Story
Write the first story you've ever written. Maybe it was in 4th grade, maybe in college... Nothing is as wonderful as the joy of your first story. Add an epilogue if you want to write what happened to the characters or even about how you came about to write this story. Please tag me!
Ended March 3, 2019 • 1 Entry • Created by Manya
The Future
Write about the future as you see it. Sci-fi, comedy; whatever you want. Can be prose or poetry. Please tag me; I wanna read all the entries. I'll decide the winner.
Ended December 31, 2018 • 0 Entries • Created by Manya