LSD trips and bong rips;
aren't we all just looking to get higher in the long run?
Whether it's through drugs
or love,
we always need more.
More, more, more...
It becomes addicting after a while.
Nothing is ever enough.
Not you, not him,
and not that.
The question is,
what will ever be enough?
We sleep. I wake up, roll over and see you in your most vulnerable state. I immediately know that this is bliss and where I want to stay forever. But unfortunately, bliss doesn't last forever, no matter how hard we wish for it.
The only way we can have bliss, is if we work for it ourselves. Look for it ourselves. It can be found in the music we like, the boys we kiss, the drugs we do, or sleeping next to you.
He wrapped himself around me like I was the only thing tethering him to this planet. It's possible that I was. He's too much and too little all at the same time, and I guess I was just enough to keep him sane for this moment in time.
I listened to his breathing as he finally calmed himself for the night. Even with the dangerous morning so close, this moment of rest was much needed.
I'm not sure how we got ourselves in this situation. Everything started out so simply and so beautifully, that if you would have told me that this is how we would end up, I wouldn't have believed you.
Things change. They change fast and we can't stop them. At this pace, who knows where we will be in a just a few days time.
No matter what happens though, I hope to end up in this same spot that I am in now. Tethered to the one I love.
Galactic Vision
The new star
the temporary star
glowing in the day
and night
The star was large
I heard
before it burst
in full spectra
Its light reaching
my eyes.
Eyes made of stars
that died
They burst too
millions and billions
of years ago
from across the galaxy
Their dust and energy
spewing out
across space
the non-empty void
Some dust falls
toward singularities
E = m (c * c) and
their escape is radiation
Some dust spirals away
showing a hidden remnant
of a vast
But my eyes
are made from dust that
cleared interstellar obstacles
and landed here
And now this dust
sees as more dust
flies out, and will perhaps
create eyes like mine.
Something serious yet sensual
"Sexy sunsets on stained sand, sending ships sailing so suddenly they stall and slip into slow submergion, stopping the story too soon."
So says the spoiled steward, sitting still so he stays sane, submitting his salient suspicions as a sigh so soft, the scene is susceptible to silence, save for the sough of the sea outside.