To be Loved by you...
Soft whispers in secret moments,
Gentle touches and lengthy looks.
A slow caress with tender kisses,
Sliding across my skin.
Leaving thoughts of you
lingering in my minds eye.
Wishes and dreams from years past
Creep forward, reminding me...
Of a hope lain dormant.
The desire to be held,
wanted and craved.
All consuming ache to feel arms
Holding me tight.
Keeping all my demons at bay,
With a strong embrace.
Fighting off my insecurities,
Filling me instead with confidence.
A new horizon rises
with hope fulfilled.
How sweet it is...
Being loved by you.
Momma said there’ll be days like these.
Some days,
Seem longer than others
Moving so fast, they spin your wheels
Like tiny toy cars over a looping track.
Endlessly twirling, threatening to throw you off track.
But seemingly last an eternity.
Other days,
Filled with love and joy
Come and go in a hurry
Getting you through those longer days
One tiny sparkle at a time,
Yet leaving so suddenly,
As if they had better places to be.
Then there are days,
You wish had never come
Leave you with only regrets
Wondering if your life choices
were wrong again
If you should have chosen
the road less traveled.
One day,
You won't wish for Friday
On Monday morning.
Or that your babies
would still be babies.
Won't wish that life
had given you better cards.
Some day,
Dreams will come true
Bucket lists will be fulfilled
Your nests will be emptied
Only to be filled
with the next generation
But not today.
Perhaps tomorrow...
By: C.R.Williams
The Great Deciever
Such a deceiving thing,
Time is.
Barreling forward,
Without a care.
As if the world could stop,
And watch it go by.
Spinning and spiraling,
Out of control.
Never ceasing,
It's endless wrath.
Taking minutes, days, and hours,
Without consequence.
And yet..
It heals all wounds.
Mends broken hearts,
And wipes away tears.
Turns babies into men,
And mothers into grandmothers.
The most valuable thing,
A person can spend.
The past,
The future,
But if tomorrow never comes,
Today is a gift.
Live, laugh, love,
But time stands still,
For noone.
And irreparable.
So free,
Yet priceless.
The great deceiver,
That you can never return.
By: C.R.Williams
Just Once More...
Just one more,
I tell myself.
One more year, and then I'll be done.
Just one more term, and I can relax.
Just once more, I'll walk through those doors.
The cold air blowing me into the awareness, another one is here.
Just once more I'll walk the halls, taking the road too often traveled.
Maybe, one more time I can push myself
Harder, farther.
Pushing those who follow to reach and climb.
Maybe one more time, I'll stand before them, humble...
But ready.
Perhaps more is the answer,
To those questions.
Perhaps more I can give,
More time, more patience.
Because just one more, will stand before me...
Questioning, listening.
Just one more, will need me.
Just me.
Once more.
By: C.R.Williams
For all my teacher friends... here we go... just once more.
Rain Dance
Cool wind breezes over my wet, warm skin,
As the droplets make their way between my breasts.
Traveling still further down
To places recently untouched.
Gray clouds loom overhead, threatening to continue the deluge that ceased it's down pour
As I gazed into the darkness.
My eyes close feeling the chill
brought on by the storm,
Dousing the flames that scorch my senses,
While thoughts of long sensual nights ignite them once more.
Wet hair clings to my face and neck like slippery lips from lingering kisses.
Fingering droplets feel their way over my thighs,
Through soaked clothes dripping and slithering
creating small puddles around my naked feet,
With a steady drip, drip, drip...
My tongue darts out and catches some of the quenching wetness, letting it flow down my throat.
Soothing the ache there.
Steam billows from my body, the hot and cold colliding in a masterful dance around me,
As I'm caught in the rain.
By: C.R.Williams
Healing Words
When you left,
Words began to pour from my soul,
Like a water hose on a hot day.
Ever seeking to quench the thirsty agony of your loss.
Soaking into the cracks and invading the dark places.
They flow from my heart and mind
As if a dam had been broken by your absence, attempting to fill the void left in your eternal departure.
The poetry that now cascades out of me,
Giving peace and meaning to my restless mind,
healing my heart, and settling the sorrow.
That which makes ME whole again,
I would shatter in an instant, just to have YOU here once again.
If my words revoked, could give breath and laughter once more, I would gladly return every syllable.
My inability to wrench you back from heaven, leaves me only with undeniably poetic appreciation.
I can't bring you back
So instead, I write.
By C.R.Williams
For Diana, my beautiful friend. Your death opened up my words, and you aren't even here to read them. I hope you're dancing in the sky. I miss you all the time.
That sinking feeling
Creeping, crawling
Worming it's way into
My thoughts,
My heart,
My soul.
My overthinking mind,
Spins and whirls,
With pent up
Am I fooled again?
Was I wrong to trust?
To try and see the good in you?
Deep breaths turn to choking sobs.
The horror show that replays in my head, making me feel
Like I'm the crazy one?
Attempts at maintaining a sense of
Are fruitless.
As I continue to spiral
Into the chaos of my feelings.
Holding my head high,
Despite its heaviness,
Despite the mental weight dragging me down.
I wait...
For you.
By: C.R.Williams
As I watch their lips move,
And the bowl beside me slips to the floor,
I wonder what they're actually saying.
The crash beside me draws my eyes down,
As the glass shatters around my feet,
And the buzzing in my ears grows louder.
I can't feel the sting that causes the red to flow,
Puddles- pooling, circling the white sneakers,
I picked to match. Now stained... ruined.
But my eyes find theirs, and I realized
Their lips are still moving,
While whooshing now pulls at my head.
Sounds that don't make words
Echo across the room,
Bouncing and rippling across my cranium.
Drip, drip, drip from the faucet,
Turns to plop, plop, plop,
Filling the empty cup in the sink.
I'm thirsty...
I realize, searching the room
For a clean cup.
Fingers wrap around my wrist,
As I raise my eyes once again,
To the lips making words.
They were still moving?
All this time?
"Are you listening to me?"
By C.R.Williams
Whispering Hope
The shredded organ in my chest,
Once vibrant and whole, Now,
A whisper of beats barely bumping along.
Pain seeps out through the shattered walls,
Of this blessed thing that life has mangled,
The slow thud, thud, thud resounds in my core.
A whisper of hope slides over the shards,
Dulling the edges, and sealing the seams,
Breathing sanity back into my soul.
Slowly I breath, slowly I step,
One foot and then another,
Cracks repaired, and slivers slide away.
Scars now grace the reflection I see,
The past redefining me,
The pain I felt went unseen.
But memories don't fade,
They linger like smoke in a bar,
Always clouding my vision and thoughts.
Slowing the healing process,
Making choices more difficult,
Time doesn't heal fast enough.
Impatience endures,
As if the race is never finished,
Huffing and puffing I drag myself to the next day.
By: C.R.Williams