The World of ...
Tell me about a world you wish existed. I'm not really looking for worlds already created like the world of H.P Lovecraft or J.R Tolkien. I'm looking for worlds that you have a longing for; mystical China, Edo Japan with Automatons, etc. Winner decided by most likes, and if you so desire, I will create a new challenge starring your world for others to participate in. Up to three entries per person. Please have a go at this even if you think you're not the best writer or world builder! Sometimes you may have the best damn idea out there even if you can't get it across!
Tips on where to start: consider something, like a job you could do that doesn't exist now, like space scuba diving. What kind of world would something like this exist? Is it futuristic? Alien? Ask yourself simple things, then try to imagine a world where it was possible.