Magic is in anywhere
We live on the Earth. Everyday we hurry somewhere: to work, to study. We live in the world non-sensing and non-understanding.
Magic does not mean to show some tricks which people can not find out them are how do by "Magicians". We assume these tricks. But we enjoy to see them in anytime.
If you look at around you, you can see a lot of magics how much you want. Plants, trees grow up day by day. But we can not see the development progress ot them. The childs of birds does have a feather when they born. After some time, a mild and beautiful feather covers their bodies. It is an incredible sorcery.
We heat the water. When water is in the high degree of heating, it alters from water to the air.
There are a lot of magic in our life. Our daily routines, activities carries on with a wonderful secret of magic. But we don't pay attention them. Because they had already changed into the simple part of life.
I would like to read this text all people.
This world is full of unimaginable things and secrets. You can find one of them on your own.
Magic is in anywhere!
It is in your heart!!!