Even The Walls Are Listening
The walls are soaked
Dripping out
The pain and prayer
Of a grieving heart
Laughter has died
My lips now quiver
In fear for the future
For my children, children
I pray for the light to stay on
In their hearts
For compassion to guide their hands
Maybe they will make the difference
Where we could not
Maybe they will bridge
The great divide
Maybe they will sealed the rip
That has ripped us apart
A holding of hands
One heart
One nation
One blood
One color
One God
I am still hopeful
Deep down in the silence
Beneath the darkness
A flame still burns
I’ve seen too much
I’ve bear too much
I’ve prayed too much
To give in now
I'm painting a rainbow
Over my scars
I'm washing the ugliness
From my tongue
I am speaking to the mountain
And the walls and the empty spaces
Receptive souls will hear
The broken hearted will hear
Grieving families will hear
The children will hear
The confused and disillusion will hear
They will come
They will listen
For in our bellies
Rooted deep we have an innate
Desire to see change
To feel hopeful
So today,
Come as you are
Hear my voice
Let change begin with you and me
One voice
One word
Softly spoken
Are you listening?
©2016- Nikki Moore
My Sweetest Melodies
You remind me
How beautiful life can be
How words and music
Can lift a broken spirit
You my love
Has given me more
Than a reason to live
I have found purpose
In this life
I am living in the aftermath
Of your smile
Cherishing the memories
You left behind
Even in pain
You remind me how to laugh
When tears rushes in
You, frail and dying
Teaches me the greatest
Lesson of all
How to have hope
How to be still
In the midst of chaos
You are my light
My hope
My sweetest melodies©
©2016 Nikki Moore