Something to my Everything
No such thing as 'Nothing to lose',
Even the things we cannot see are 'something'.
You are the 'something' I didn't choose,
But I'm happy with you being my 'everything'.
Can't you see I can't lose you?
I'd be left with something I couldn't see.
Everyday, recklessness steals someone's "I love you, too",
And I fear one day I'll live a life where you cannot be.
You will always be the 'everything' I'm not willing to lose,
So forgive me as I burn your noose...
You too have something to lose.
Loneliness. Why are we so afraid to be alone? When did we start running from our own minds? Sorry, where was I? right. Loneliness. It is an unusual emotion that makes us do irrational, unusual things, just to avoid loneliness. We cling to someone through abuse, so we will not be alone but still feel loneliness. We leave the safety of our comfort zone to do things we don’t agree with, so we won’t be alone but still feel loneliness. We go to events and surround ourselves by people or animals, so we aren’t alone but still feel loneliness. We create obsessive habits, so we stop thinking of the loneliness. We watch other people’s lives, so we stop thinking of our own…if only for thirty minutes. We don’t like admitting to this feeling out loud, for what would our friends think? We don’t want to hurt their feelings! This only makes the feeling grow. What is the point of being an “advanced society” if we are all miserable? Are we miserable? Humans are a pack species, does this mean it is an insinctual fear? Is this something we are programed with to survive? No this can’t be for the cave men were not like this. They relied more on instinct than we do and if it was that then why did they not live in larger groups? Why is something that should be so simple, so complicated? Can I even put loneliness into words? I could but then it would be something entirely different to someone else. Loneliness, where does it come from? I know what comes from it, depression. Does it come from love? I love you. Three words that use to have such a powerful meaning but not so much anymore. Three words that we so desperately crave to hear, to show acceptance and belonging. Three words that are said to inanimate objects more than people anymore. When people “say” these three words to another human it is now as a funny picture or a “bubble” on an electronic devise, if they even spell it out. Is this where the constant loneliness stems from? Is the lack of sincerity in our emotions? Is this why we stay in abusive situations because we want love but get loneliness? Is this why we try so hard to be perfect? is this why we are “okay”? Is this why I can’t sleep at night knowing both of us are so damn lonely? Is it because I love you? I do love you, but words just aren’t enough anymore and you no longer want to hear them. This is why I am lonely.