Challenge of the Month XXX: April
Phenomenal Cosmic Power. You wake up, omnipotent. What happens next? Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose. $100 purse to the winner.
Unmade Bed
Woke Up, Russia still troubled Ukraine and the rest of the world harrased the people of Russia by sanctions and what-not. Hunger won't cease. Unethical Capitalists stayed the same. Equality and opportunity were mere schemes. Animals were still caged and abused. The climate was high on pollition. I thought of all these and more as I sat on my bed, lighting a cigarette. I thought of all these and thought of changing them for the better. Filled with excitement and power, I stood meaning to do something. But I looked and saw, my bed was unmade. What was I with an unmade bed trying to change the wrinkly sheets of the world.