Happy Thanksgiving Season
I hereby thank all the people who, in one way or the other, helped me whenever I needed someone and all those who show concern for others and bring smile on others' faces.
P.S. Thanksgiving Season has started and therefore, it's high time to start thanking people who have brought some difference in your life.
Happy Birthday Known Stranger
Dear known Stranger,
Today, after an another year, your birthday has come once again and again, I don't have any contact with you to say 'Wish you a very Happy Birthday.
I was told that Time heals everything but I never believed much on it. May be I was too stubborn to believe anything like that because I just wanted to keep the wounds with myself only.
However, you would be glad to know that everything is in good spirits now. Spark in my life has returned and whole day I was not dying to try to wish you a happy birthday. Because deep inside my heart, I know that you must be very Happy and I still pray the best for you but does not want to see myself in that best because I have already found Euphoria from my best situation.
My respect and emotions for you will never change in my heart. It is just that I have stopped caring for your tangible presence in my life. I just pray the best for you and I know that wherever you are, you must be having a memory of this friend as well.
This was the first time in many years that I was not sad on this day.
In fact, you would be surprised to know that today I had a lunch with someone special for the first time. I was really happy today and I spent this day as a normal day. That is why, I am just being the last person to wish you Happy Birthday. May be because deep inside my heart I know that my wishes never reaches you, so it's better that I share those birthday wishes for you at the end of the day.
I don't know when you will read this or will ever read it but I know only one thing that you have or had always been one of the most special persons in my life. But I know that it doesn't make much difference anymore. So, I would rather focus on saying.
"I wish you a very Happy Birthday"
Missed you so much so far...
But have mastered living with you and happily.
May God Bless You With Loads of Happiness."
Day 1 - Anti-Social Media Challenge
Life Beyond Social Media
Happy NSS Day (Must-Read Post For Many)
Happy NSS Day (Must-Read Post For Many)
Time passes no matter how hard we try to hold it!
Unofficially, I got associated with National Service Scheme (NSS) through LPU-NSS on August 15, 2013. However, the actual journey started on November 8, 2013 with 'Jamia Milia Islamia' Rally followed by 'Joy of Giving' Event on November 29, 2013.
The volunteers actually turned into a family within a duration of 7 days i.e. from January 8, 2014 to January 14, 2014 in NSS Winter Camp 1. In those 7 days, over 7K memories were created with all the beloved volunteers.
People say that the best thing you can donate to anyone is "Your Blood". However, NSS taught me that the best thing you can give to anybody is your Time.
The more time you spend in the service of others, the more satisfaction you will attain in your life.
3 NSS Special Winter Camps, 1 Adventure Camp, 1 Pulse Polio Camp, and Numerous NSS Events including Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Tree-Plantation Drive, etc. are the real reasons which made me a better person and encouraged me to serve others to the best of my abilities.
During this journey, I might have felt de-motivated while doing some tasks, however, various people such as Ashok Sir, Loviraj Gupta Sir, Narendra Ji, Debanshu Bhai, and Sachinder Ji, Saurav Bhai, Satyansh, Lakshya Bhai, and other volunteers, etc. helped me to perform my duties to the best of my abilities.
LPU-NSS is one of the very few platforms in LPU, which helped me to push my boundaries away.
With National Service Scheme, I performed many tasks and experienced many things for the first time in my life, some of which are as follows:
- First Solo Dance Performance (Winter Camp-3)
- Impromptu Speech (Winter Camp 1, 2 and 3)
- Singing in front of large audience. (Winter Camp 1, and Independence Day 2016)
- Leading a Team, 'Initiators' (Winter Camp-2)
- First Visit to Orphanage Home. (Winter Camp-1 and 3)
- Unlimited Love and Respect (From all my fellow NSS-Volunteers)
- First DSLR Picture. (LOL)
- First Prize in Skit Competition (Jaipur University)
- First Paper Dance Performance (Winter Camp-3) (Dance Partner: Rahul) and many more.
The list is unending because there is a lot more to say and yet a lot more to experience.
I am thankful to all the people associated with NSS including LPU-NSS, Faculty Coordinators for giving us a platform to do something for good.
I also owe my deep regards to all the NSS Volunteers (P.S. I am going to tag as many as possible) for your unending Love and Support which have always encouraged me to fall in Love with NSS again and again. I may not tag you all but I Love You All. (Maximum Tags Available: Less than 50, 292 LPU-NSS Friends.)
The more I say about NSS, the lesser it is.
Therefore, I would like to pause here for a while to wish you all, a very HAPPY NSS DAY.
May God Bless You All.
Thanks & Regards,
Rohit Sood.
(P.S. Feel free to share your experience in the comment below.)
Image Source: Pexels
Happy Diary Day
Dear Diary,
No matter how much I write or post on
social media networking sites but my
respect for you always remain, because
there are still a lot of things that I don’t
share on social media and only you and me
are aware of them.
Today, I want to thank you for
always being there with me
for you have given me so much
Thanks & Regards,
Your Writer,
Rohit Sood