I’m Fine
I'm fine
What an excuse
It's my only defense
But you always believe it
Do you even care
I say that I'm fine when I clearly am not
But you move on
You can't be bothered
Not by me
I'm fine
I've said that so many times
But you don't see
I'm screaming and you're deaf
Help me I cry
But you say that I'm fine
So I force myself to be fine
But I will never be fine
Not better
I smile, I laugh
You see me being myself
What about when I'm alone
I sit
Look at my flaws
I am a flaw
But I go on, trying to be happy
I'm not
I'm scared
But don't know why
I panic
I hide
I go on
You don't know anything ever happened
Until I can't hold it in
It explodes
I try to hide
I'm suffocating
You now know
You ask if I'm okay
I say I'm fine
You move on
I'm fine
Not better
How does it feel to be worthless
You feel empty
Like nothing you do matters
Like you can try so hard but never be good enough
It's a feeling of something that you can't change
By never being good enough, I am worthless
Not with anything
Not anything
Not anyone
I am worthless
A waste
No point to me
Better gone
I can be happy, but will still hold this
Inside and outside
It's all wrong
I am worthless
I am gone
Feeling good?
How to feel good about yourself is a mystery to me
The constant torment of never doing anything good enough
Having a wall separating me from the chains that I'm bound by
I stay hopeful for freedom on the other side
I know that the mystery is over there , but I cannot move
Inside and outside , I look
I don't like what there is
I strive to find a way to escape these chains , but never find release
Everyday, the mystery dies, and with it
So do I
Where are you?
Close your eyes and think
Think if the one person you tell everything to
Think of the person who you trust the most in this world
Now picture not being able to see them everyday
Not to talk to
Not to rely on
Nobody to talk to
You try to call , they can't
You text, no response
You fall into despair with no one
No one to talk to
Feelings get bottled up
You can't take it
You live with the feeling of loneliness and at the same time your emotions are going to burst and won't stay buried
All you want to do is talk to the person
You need them
But there is no response