Death by Black Hole
Tootsie on my event horizon,
Let the keening wail of stellar wind
fill your sail, be your one liaison
with all realms I upend
So quiet, heart, your frenzied flutter
Come leeward, to fizzle out of this world
No friend, no love, not the flimsiest succor
Shall have to answer or suffer you no more
Buy me a coffee to help me keep writing!
#life #nature #death #space #scifi #poetry #fiction
The thing you should know about me is that my smile is genuine. I don’t smile when there are tears welling up in the back of my eyes, or when I’m sad or mad; these kinds of emotions I feel. My smile is not forced or contrived. If you see me smiling, know that it’s because I truly mean to show pleasure on my face.
My exterior is a mirror for my soul.
Collective Madness
(after a Trent Reznor line)
They pick.
They pick.
They pick.
I cover.
They pick.
I hide.
They pick.
I beg.
They pick.
It bleeds.
They pick.
It deepens.
They bore.
I cry.
They pick.
They pick.
They leave.
It festers.
I pick.
They pick.
They pick.
They leave.
I pick.
You pick.
He picks.
She picks.
They pick.
We pick.
We suffer.
We pause.
We hope?
We pick.
Intrusive Thoughts
A strong wind
Comes to greet you
On a warm sunny day
The gust so ferocious
That it knocks you down
And as you hobble to your feet
You watch as the wind
Overtakes the sun
As darkness falls
Upon the lost sky
And suddenly
With outstretched arms
You carry the weight
Of a hollow box made of lead
Empty, yet heavy
36 = 18 X 2
I took my wife to lunch in my hometown today. We passed a cleaning business that was Prime Time Video once. There at eighteen I worked for $5.15 an hour and free rentals, and one night…
She entered as I held the keys to lock up for close, and we held one another. She was confused and scared, she said, and she still loved me, but she needed time. I loved her, too, and in those fifteen minutes her body felt the same in my arms as it had six months before. She left. I released my yearning soul in an e-mail before I slept, saying all I regretted and loved and wished.
But that wasn’t the time she had asked for. I broke it, that thing of fervent prayers that had been within reach for a night. I would have followed her; I knew what she was worth. I cried.
It’s funny now, especially the math. That night was 18 years, a marriage, two children, a career, and three home video formats ago. I will go to bed now. I met my wife, my love, in a college film class, and she is quietly breathing there by my pillow.
The Smile
Though the world was red with wars,
Though the trees were black with soot and grime,
Though too many things were wrong,
She smiled.
Light burst forth in the form of a moon that took up the blue-black sky.
Her lips kept going, to the back of her head and further, until it broke in two, hanging by a hinge like a jewelry box.
She was split in two uneven parts.
From the abyss that was her mind,
Came a single rose.
It opened to the full moon like the roses that are not of dreams, that sit dully in gardens.
But it was many-colored, and it was beautiful.
From the abyss that was her body,
came her soul.
It pulled itself out by hands that were gossamer.
But it was many-colored, and it was beautiful.
It rose out of the old shell, as if by winds unfelt by flesh.
It was not an It, but a She.
And She who was the innermost part of Her, plucked the rose that was her mind.
She kissed it with her perfect lips that were not lips,
And it burst.
The old body crumpled, discarded and worthless on the lush grass that had sprouted 'neath the feet of this new being.
She kissed it as well, and it became a birch tree.
Thus, the She that was the inner most part of Her stood on her perfect toes that were not toes, and declared that all should smile this same smile, and free their perfectness from theirselves.
#poetry #prose