The Moon
I like to think of myself as the moon. Not a star or a glimmering planet, my light merely achieved from others who seem much brighter and much larger, burning balls of sunshine, so blinding and intimidating, whereas I am merely a shadow.
At first, I feel dark, all I give is darkness, I dim the empowering light by hiding it, blocking it from other beings. Yet this is a ruse. I hide behind my darkness, quietly pulling and shifting the tides whilst simultaneously signalling your time for sleep. I make you safe and comfortable, allow your world to feel calm and then I leave. So subtle is the moon's power, yet without it, so many would be lost in confusion and disarray, destruction and uncertainty. So when the moon leaves it is never thanked, nor thanks, does it wish for, it simply rests quietly until needed, retreating back behind the light, true, not as bright, but closer and kinder.
There are many moons, so quiet and calm, simple giving help when help need be sought.
Mythical Beginnings
In the beginning, there were four creations, Fae, the makers, Demons, the destroyers and Hunters, the enforcers. The three different creatures shared room with the last creation, Humans, who in their entirety seemed purposeless to the other creations.
The Fae arguably had the most purpose in the world. They spun their delicate magic which created nature and brought life to the planet, the direct opposite to the demons who’s magic was used to destroy. Yet the Fae were just as uncaring for the very life they created, seeking joy in watching the demons destroy it and amusement in the Hunters futile attempts to destroy the Demons in return. The Hunters, who’s main purpose was to stop the demons seemed indifferent for the life the demons were destroying, seemingly all that drove the Hunters was the eradication of the demonic, if anything they were merely playing a continuous game of cat and mouse with the Demons, the Hunters saw no real reason to eradicate them yet simultaneously the Hunters felt the urge to do so.
It was Humans who found the Fae’s magic so wonderfully amazing, it was their complex emotion above that of its counterparts that allowed them to do so. The Fae whom should have loved the Humans for their appreciation hated them for this, seeing it as fickle and ridiculous, whilst the Demons saw this emotion of Humans as a weakness in design that they happily took advantage of and the Hunters who had merely done nothing but kill till then had had a different reaction to the Humans emotions, they fell deeply and truly enamoured with the species.
The Humans, to them, which seemed entirely useless at first, appeared to have more purpose than the very Hunters themselves. This revelation caused the first spark, it felt like a tingling sensation, that grew larger and larger the more they watched the Humans until the Hunters themselves felt it, not like they ever had before, emotion above the superficial which began in tears, tears which were the result of crying due to the beauty of a sunset. For the first time the Hunters could justify their slaughter of all that is demonic, their reason, which they decided is to protect, not just protect the Fae’s beautiful magic, but the Humans the magic is most loved by and eventually the Hunters found themselves more similar to the humans who had originally seemed so pointless as they themselves had learnt the full complexity of emotion.
Sadly, It was only the Hunters who felt this, the Fae who could be thanked for the beauty of nature, could not follow in the same footsteps as the Hunters. For instead they decided to learn the behaviours of the Demons, growing more cold and heartless as time passed, causing one to wonder why they still spin their magic, despite their utter distaste for it.
A Shining Sun
Two robots walk into a bar.
The first beautiful with eyes a dazzling gold.
The second ugly, with eyes dull and colourless.
The second robot noticed the love the first received, crowded by humans as if it were the same as them, whilst the second was only noticed to be insulted.
The second made eye contact with the first, its eyes dull, the firsts, blinding like the sun, the second looked in wonderment at the firsts beauty, the first laughed cruelly like the human's had, its eyes shining even more brightly at every metallic chuckle. The second robot grabbed the first, Rage ripping the firsts eyes out, such beautiful, bright, gold eyes, as though the second was taking the very sun away. And as the first robot lay dead, the second placed that sun in its own eyes.
A robot walked into a bar.
Beautiful, with dazzling gold eyes.
God’s Sin
“Children are the evidenced of mankind’s depravity,” Lucifer said, staring out the window of the man's apartment, at a small collection of children in the park outside.
The Man looked at the beautiful female in front of him with a plethora of confusion,
“Depravity? Children..?” He questioned.
“Did I stutter,” Lucifer responded bluntly, with a sharpness to her voice that made the man visible shrink. It only took a second for the man to compose himself but Lucifer had noticed and she felt the most subtle smile creep onto her lips at the sight. Humans are pathetic, she thought, they hide behind their pride as though they are great lions yet cower at real predators like measly rabbits, it was an amusing quality they possessed.
After a few pleasurable moments of silence, the man decided to speak again"So tell me again about children's "depravity" sweetness."
Lucifer rolled her eyes at the man in front of her, this cage she had been imprisoned in came with the hardships of such creatures. humans who felt that they deserved her physically, and many an utter embarrassment to an already embarrassing excuse for an organism.
"Well 'sweetness' children are instinctual," she said, "all they care for is themselves, they are literal representations of all human sin."
"Wow, baby, calm down, I'm not really into all that religious stuff." Lucifer glared at the man, a piercing and dark glare, for only a split second, a second the man missed.
"My apologise, 'baby' let me make it up to you." She said, her voice dripping with sex, something the man noticed and looked rather pleased with.
She pulled him close, connecting their lips together, one soft and sweet the other rough and coarse. The man melted into her kiss, like an eager fool. He grabbed her slender hips, rose his hands to play with her long golden blonde locks, 'like the shining of the morning sun' he had described it as earlier and lucifer tempted him to take more of herself, to feel more, to want more, and as his eyes begged for all of her and with the man's desire building up she ate him, feeding upon his pathetic excuse of a soul to fuel her own and as his limp, shell of a body, fell to the ground, she looked back at the children playing in the park,
"Indeed," she thought "the ultimate depravity of God is human."