Articles of Dissolution
Few today are aware, and fewer still are certain, that it was one hundred summers ago when a nearly unanimous decision was reached, by delegates of supracommunal entities known as "nations", at a "supranational" convention named "The United Nations", to dissolve their recognition of what were objectivley ficticious geographical delineations referred to as "borders". For a great many ages, We the Human believed it useful to establish such boundaries for the maintenance of "order", as they could only be crossed by yielding blood or bread to Those on the Other Side. A record of each such exchange was kept, thereby enumerating the yield of Those Who Hold Walls, inspiring an insidious sense of security among them. This "order" however, was not in keeping with what we now recognize as The Natural Way, and so it succumbed to degradation of the violent sort, unlike the gentler Cycles of Being now observed by We the Human.
And so, their bodies weary of struggle with Being, and their spirits humiliated by the Infinite Negations of Arrogance, delegates of Those Who Hold Walls conferenced and conceded the absurdity of endeavoring to strike lines upon the Earth, and upon the hearts of We the Human. Knowing that a death must be spoken in the language of the life which is to expire, they drafted what were called "Articles of Dissolution" so as to be the termination of organizational delineation, recoginized thenceforth by no nations everywhere. Peoples resisted the Articles, and attempted to maintain Nationality in flashes of desparation across Earth, but as it was unrecognized by any reciprocal entities, the Nation, now but a Notion, would collapse in the very instant one would attempt to realize it.
Yes, you know that there is pain in the world today, but it is of the Natural sort, and not that of inexplicable wanton blunder wrought upon whole swaths of innocent or otherwise uninvolved peoples. To rid the Earth of War and the suffering that wreckless leviathan begat, we needed simply to eliminate the premise for which it was waged. Pain now comes from the world that is immediately before us, from the fruits of our own follies, a loose footing or a betrayed lovers scornful visage. No longer is it rained upon us in the name of nonsense, in defense of nothingness. The World is indeed ours, now that we have returned it to itself. Now, for a hundred years, and forever, It is again as it should always be.