The Night You Were Born
The night you were born
a portal between Earth
and the Other Side opened
for a moment,
in a place where time
can’t be measured,
your grandmother
and you met.
I saw you before I met you,
Knew you before I held you,
Your dewy skin fresh from
The world you left,
The one your grandmother
Now entered
#blessings #miracles #poetry #authorshelpingauthors #birth
“The Truth”
The truth sometimes stings,
A swarm of bees breaking all the tender places
You falsely believed were protected
But after the tsunami of pain,
After the deluge of emotional stars stops spinning
A graceful quiet emerges
A knowing that causes us to stand a little taller
on ground that suddenly seems a lot firmer
Challenge of the Week CXCIII
Peace. Harmony, reconciliation, inner quiet. Something peaceful. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose.