I got stuck up once and I was scared but you know what that helped me forever because I realized if you can live in the moment when frightening things are happening to you then you can live through the moment when good things are happening to you also take control and enjoy things at that moment it's happening not just during the alarming moments
Nothingness surrounds me,
Suffocates me.
I am surrounded by emptiness,
Stuck in quarters devoid of light.
I may have found this comforting,
But not now,
Not here.
Here, I am stuck and insignificant,
Hidden by shadow.
If anyone's looking for me,
They won't find me here,
Encompassed by the eerily familiar color of the night.
The darkness reminds me that I do not know why I am here,
That I do not who trapped me,
Hauled me away as if I was nothing.
Perhaps I am.
The darkness has a sick way to it,
A certain way of making you think, A certain way of bringing out your deepest fears.
I’m corrupted
That even though you all have given me a place to write freely and openly I'm afraid to share all of me. I've been corrupted to believe that you'll still judge me.
My religion;
My age;
My likes;
My fears;
My family;
I don't know.
Maybe I'm wrong.
I want to spill everything in front of you, express more than I have, but I don't want my words to be viewed differently.
That's what I want all of you that I love dearly to know.
What doesn’t?
Anything can inspire me
Form thoughts and ideas that need to be freed
From a news story on NPR
To a conversation I hear in the hall
I never know when it will strike
Or if it will be about my real life
But I assure you that all I write
Comes from the heart
Reflecting the thoughts and feelings of the present
or ghosts of my past