Cell cycle checkpoint lost its edge, a battery of tests to know I'm dead.
One day is taken to contemplate
A phone call is made, a text is sent an email or two circulates.
Everyone comes to hold my hand
Say goodbye and dance with the band. We laugh, we live we drink we laugh we live we drink.
I listen.
I breath in.
My center centers.
Everyone has left I head to my stash,Roll up some comfort and light a match.
I judge
I breath in
My center solidifies
Words of wisdom I have none
Life is personal and true
What worked for me won't work for you.
Regrets are futile and a waste of time.
I refuse to spend what I have left thinking about my worst and my best.
Just a day left.
I breath in
My center shakes.
My hand is held
I feel the touch of those who love me
I breath in
My center....
Dear Braden,
On the first day I knew you would bring out the best in me.
On the second day I knew it was my job to bring out the best in you.
I have held you in my arms, your hand, your backpack, your soccer ball, back my temper, my laughter and my surprise.
You have taught me about pride, about forgiveness, about right and wrong, about the prehistoric,all types of aquatic life forms and the meaning of happiness. Thank-you
Know that I will always, be right here. Make sure your ears are covered in sound, listen to pirate songs,have breakfast for dinner, road trip "greens army style",make sure you drink a shamrock and watch out for all coyotes everywhere until the end of days.
You are my son and I am your mom and for that one reason the last 5,840 days of my life have always started out perfect.
Love Mom.