Day Dreams
All her life,
She had been day dreaming.
Day dreaming about who she wanted to be,
Who she should be,
Who she wished she was.
She was so focused on who she wanted to be,
That she forgot who she was.
Who she was meant to be.
She focused on the day dreams of her life,
Not her actual life.
She got so lost in a fake reality,
So lost in a day dream,
That she forgot her life.
She lived a fake life,
Not living,
Just dreaming about living.
Until one day,
She looked in the mirror,
And woke up.
She woke up from the day dreams,
And woke up to a beautiful world around her.
She saw the life that surrounded her.
The things,
The places,
The people.
The people that missed her.
The people who were always there,
Even though the day dreams were always in the way.
You, Me, or I, Switch Them Around
Oh please
You really just want me to listen
So I can see you through different eyes
A different perspective
You want me to listen
Yet I don't
And I wonder why
You've become silent
All you've ever wanted
Is for me to listen
Yet it never happens
So I am sorry,
At least,
I hope you are.