Until then
How long until you leave?
How long until I say one word to many?
When will I become unbearable?
Beyond the point of love
You will leave me at rock bottom
I finally thought I found my reason hold on
I thought I found the one who would love me through my darkest moments
Now that you're gone what is my motivation?
I was yours
You raised me on a throne
It soon for faded to babe...
"Babe, stop being like that"
"Babe, don't make such a big deal out of things"
"Babe, you're fine"
Who were you to tell me that I was fine?
You had no idea of anything I felt
Every night was up hill battle
and most nights those demons won
Those demons did win most nights
but each morning though I wish I didn't
I woke up stronger
Realizing I never needed you
I thought I needed you to fight them for me Now I'm realizing I did just fine without you
I thought I needed you to talk me off the imaginary Cliff I was dangling from
but every time I pulled myself back up on my own
One of these days I'll thank you
because one of these days I'll sleep without the demons
I'll wake with joy
and be able to face anything because I know what the bottom looks like
I know what it's like to be drowning above water
Trapped in my own mind
Lost in a sea of my own tears
and win every battle with every odd against me