Before I dive in...
Can someone please give me a crash course in how this site works? I keep seeing posts with italics and bold words, but I see no option for them when I'm writing. Do I have to code like the old days on Myspace? What's the dollar sign button for? And what's the deal with the "Gold" subscription? Any helpful info would be greatly appreciated <3
This is terrifying.
I've been staring at the blank post for at least an hour, trying to figure out how to introduce myself to the world of Prose. I love writing, but this scares the hell out of me.
English was easily my best subject in school, and I've always loved journaling, but this? Putting myself out there for the entire world to see - and critique? Absolutely terrifying.
That's why I'm here, though. I joined this site to force myself out of my comfort zone and flex my creative muscles. I attempted NaNoWriMo a few years back and churned out about 10,000 words of gibberish, so I'm here to practice writing fiction, try my hand at poetry, and say the things I never said out loud.
Hello, people of Prose. Please be gentle.