Blue Alphabet
h e | c a r r i e d | a r o u n d | w i t h | h i m | a | m o u s e | i n | h i s | b a c k p o c k e t | i n | c a s e | h e | w a s n’ t | a w a r e | t h a t | a n c h i o v i e s | f o r | b r e a k f a s t | a r e | w a y | p a s t | d u e | t h e i r | 9 a m | c a l l t i m e | f o r | y o u n g | v i b r a n t | p i a n o | p l a y e r s | w i t h | d o u b l e | c h i n s | t o | g o | w i t h | t h a t | b i g | m a c | i | o r d e r e d | l a s t | t u e s d a y | i n | a | b i t | o f | a | h u r r y | f o r | t h e | n e x t | t a x i | r i d e | t o | a | p l a c e | w h e r e | m a n n e q u i n s | p r e a c h |
copulate under the orange setting sun not minding at all that the river is misanthropic calling for the annihilation of baby products in favor of roller coaster rides down south where i profess my conversion to roman catholicism as you pour down an oily substance in my navel you big sexy oaf you tried to get into music school with a pen knife tucked between your breasts
the natural thunders from god-knows-whom is the sewing machine invented for must be for three-legged women or men we often see in nursing homes having a jolly good time with the offensive opinions of stupid communist bastards who got a hold of a xylophone not later this year will i invest without heebie-jeebies now that i have been inducted in the 39th assembly of limping
m o r m o n s
w h o
k n o c k
g e n t l y
a s
i f
a f r a i d
of | the | outcome | of | wet | rice | on | short | sleeves | with | red | edges | as | red | as | communal | blood | that | is | shed | for | the | rights | of | womyn | on | birth | control | is | an | effective | advertisement | to | myopic | undergrads | who | reek | of | Derrida | word | diarrhea | from | their | mouths | or | every | other | orifice | of | their | bodies | that | every | mad | scientist | has | rubbed | his
e r e c t i o n
on the
cable connection
is way
by my
barbecue stands
now that the green salad tries too hard to be enveloped in a hug by dopey hands that know not shame unless the attackers of the faith calm down from their agnostic euphoria in grand afternoons of macabre and hullabaloo of existing draperies against the womyn sympathies of the radical saints who each get to preserve a microscopic allusion to Dionysius in his highly-organized crime of the century against
imperial on screen lovers
from both sides of
the wedding aisle reserved
for the magistrate’s lack
of coherence and general
confusion in all things
dystopian and abominable no
matter how cogent it
should | be | under | the | neon | lights | of | the | city | by | the | bay | where | prostitutes | galore | with | their | fish – smelling | vaginal | fluids | indicative | of | a | soft | spot | for | heated | debates | about | narcotics | and | narcissism | to | be | held | at | the | local | bar | and | grill | that | is | more | or | less | owned | by | little | men | with | plastic | balloons | crying | for
i n d e p e n d e n c e
from big government henchmen
and as such are
r i d i c u l o u s l y
h o m o s e x u a l
to the bone
for all we know about airborne diseases is that it evades the scrotum of well-built men in terms of their ability to achieve the elevation to a demigod by their fellow vermin unless of course they are Jews who migrated from Poland with their bags full of kosher beef never mind the cheese from the farm of wishy-washy yet eccentric fanatical worship of an unknown deity whose existence is to be proven by a t e r m i t e a n d a g o n g w i t h c h i l d r e n s i n g i n g a n d p a y i n g h o m a g e t o t h e i r a l m a m a t e r k i n d a n d d e a r m e m o r i e s e t c h e d i n t h e b r a i n c o n c e r n i n g s a g a c i o u s l u n c h r o o m s t h a t h e e d n o t t h e d e c i s i o n o f t h e b r i g h t – e y e d j u d g e.
I longed for longing as the months passed by
for I have been rather uninterested
blanketed by a weight that is for the most part inert.
Hunger is quite a prodding visitor
two bowls of soup with a helping of rice,
enough to take my mind off certain things
a Being engulfed in apathy
to whom passion is but a memory,
finds the self staring back in unwavering query:
When shall the cycle end?
last thoughts as I prepare myself to sleep.
tomorrow I will wake up when the sun is high
and perhaps have the courage to finally answer
Damnit The Sun
Begin the day in front of a mirror and preen
for you reside in a place where the grass is green
all the critics sing your praises from head to toe
the compliments received would make a Stoic blush
until one iconoclast rained on your parade
crashed in like a storm surge and shattered the mirror
The colors have faded and suddenly it’s gloom
you’re now in a place where the flowers do not bloom
all the king’s horses and all the king’s men cannot
glue your too broken pieces together again
it haunts, it haunts, this thing both unnamed and unknown
the line between nightmares and waking life is blurred
Alone in the misty woods you let out a shrill
must the gods be jocular, this part of the thrill?
life is the journey where you are late for the flight
life’s the teacher you never paid attention to
a hapless fate where sorrow spreads virulently
blue is the color and it is a malady
Morose, miserable, all the descriptions teem
but is the weather really as bleak as you deem?
death is scattered, breathing, alive, and picturesque
a heart of gold never did mean a heart of joy
the hands that used to pat you on the back are the
very same hands that will push you off of a cliff
The waters of dejection went above your poll
many years of holding back has taken its toll
whom do you call after? whom do you fear the most?
the devil, God, or is it formidable You?
nothing is random and it is proven by your scars
but prayers are unanswered; silence, deafening
One yearns for happiness and dreams to chase and woo
dreams delicate as a newborn to whom we coo
but dreams fade away in its unforgiving pace
so should the best advice be not to dream at all?
the seeds of disillusion like an assassin,
lurk in the dark, sneaking, sneaking into your mind
If fate is personified it would be a cad,
I am behind him walking aimlessly to gad
-about; his directions are never clear at all,
until we stop in front of a mirror to see
the lines on my face, the obliterated years
of a life unrewarded and unexamined
Tears of a fool worth as much as the wise
towards the tomb we trek a single road
tatters we are with nobody to goad
traverses on the path fate cold as ice
teeth on the pie dare we wait for a slice?
temper the magic born out of the root
tales from downtown where salvation is moot
cluttered screams shatter ears before sunrise
clovers on your feet dancing against luck
clean well-lit places with forget-me-nots
clad in hues that make him the biggest toast
cloying sentiments all over the coast
filthy are hands that know no blood nor muck
for no one escapes the fate as bare dots!
Under The Trees And In The Marketplace
a quodlibet
we both discuss
truth we covet
but have it not
sifting through air
we found a spot
one we abet
an imbroglio
a truce although
the wicked times
hold no dispute
the aim refute
to not conform
be obdurate
a wave gone wrong
against the throng
a chat today
we contemplate
the navel we
both cannot see
gaze and natter
ideas bright
a brain fecund
with clod bedight
the rigors have cooled down
but unshed blood has not
the Wittmanns and the Wolls
from Leipzig to Landshut
never waved the white flag
history taught us wrong
turn to current events
of Das Deutschen Nation
economics and sports
european union
see them win left and right
like the phoenix rising
"...ist jetzt angebrochen"
indeed their time will come
yesterday it was tanks
today it is exports
used to be swastikas,
now, "Made in Germany"
did not time cauterize
the flames in their bellies?
they came back thrice prepared
for a new kind of war
dominating Europe
a surplus at a time
if the Wolf were alive
what would he think and say?
der Fuhrer hat das Wort:
Deutschland ist nun Erwacht!
Adrenaline Rush
Gone are the days of rise and shine,
Welcome night and eve
Life flows on in a fat red line,
Tired, our souls will leave
Pressured under the dictator, Time,
Restless, we end in rage
Thus a pen needs a paper to write a rhyme,
Just like scholars need a sage
Spirits crushed under the weight of the rush
The dictator yells: “Stop!” Time will freeze
We cringe in despair, souls are squeezed
Enter music to give comfort
But comfort it can’t give for hope just left,
Time took it away, a reckless theft!
To our pleas it did not heed!
Dawn dared disrupt drowse
eyes elude, escape, evade, eschew
figures fleet, flourish, flout
gyrate-gut gab-girl Gertrude
Hover herald, ho-hum, haughty
invade, increase issues, interest, input
jangle, jive, jubilant, jaunty
keen ken kept, killed, kaput!
Locked, leering, languid, lithium loon,
mind moribund, moping, meeting moon!
*Note: “Gertrude” is taken from Gertrude Stein, a lesbian poet prominent during the early 20th century whose lover/live-in partner was a dancer.
Walt Whitman Begs To Differ
a post-modern disease spreading to all
stentorian celebrations of everything
the Brobdingnagian Me has become
culture faded fast as it lost its
point d' appui
that in these days wrong is crowned right
gave birth to
tell me again
about your liberal education,
trend-following sucker,
perhaps post another rant about politics-
(as if your opinion mattered)
brag about that day you joined an el Gee Bee Tee rally
Newsflash: nobody cares.
What lurks beneath the deep blue?
perhaps sinister and tenebrous
perhaps the Mystery's a slew
for away from it the angels flew
and towards it the afreet cadaverous
The mangled face behind the calm
the gelignite in the pacific
the shore is awash with qualm
as if in Gilead to search for balm
the wanderers are sophomoric
It is where hope is obsolescent
and faith in a state of torpor
where love is not incandescent
where wisdom is an adolescent
where all my dreams are in stupor
The phantasmagoria is inchoate
a glimpse inside the deep blue hell
the misery I inculcate
a law I dare not desecrate
the unspoken only time will tell