To know is knowledge.Knowledge is the key to success.To win ,power is essential.Knowledge is power.To be powerful at work ,skill is required.Skill is the talent required to do a job efficiently.To be excellent and powerful in life ,understanding of life beyond knowing is required.Knowledge of the flow of life is an illusion.To understand and enjoy the mirth of life an incessant yearning for the meaning of life is required.Life knowledge is gained by perennial thirst for the virtuosity and genuinity of life.
Knowledge is the golden chariot that drives the bearer into multitudes of novelity in life ,boosting one's confidence,vigor,attitude ,interest ,faith,harmony and determination that strolls with poise to conquer the dreams and visions with diligence and grit.Knowledge appends a tag of familiarity and fame amidst the peers and gives great self satifaction.Knowledge allows to extend a helping hand to self and others.Be it small or big,knowledge is a powerhouse that illuminates million lives.
Depth of knowledge in any walk of life,be it domestic,professional or spiritual gives the opportunity to cross the threshold of knowledge into understanding which unlocks the door to success.Knowledge ,thus can be viewed as a stepping stone to understanding which ultimately leads to success.To be successful ,be knowledgeable.Knowledge opens and creates the venue for a myriad successful experiences in life...
It’s both a blessing and a curse...
Patience ...It's both a blessing and a curse...
Calm and Tranquil...my mind is at peace
Mother Earth is at ease...
My mind is educated to know...
Land is toiled hard to sow...
I learn to live...
Land bears everything to give...
Day in and day out my mind patiently bears the unspoken threat...
Land wears away under the selfish hearts ...
Stress thwarts my mind of unkind acts
Cutting away trees,harms Mother earth, a fact...
Gushing thougts of rage steal my peace
Floods carry away habitants to decease
Nor does my mind rest
Nude plains with no bird's nest
Patience ,indeed a blessing and a curse...
If something goes wrong
Nip in the bud,Never be quite...
Or Sure we have to take flight!
Soft and gntle blew the the breeze,carrying with it the fragrance blended with the perfume of sweet smelling flowers,the freshness of the morning mist and the warmth of the rising sun.The whole place looked divine with the bright light,mystic chillness due to the morning frost and the sweet melody of the birds chirping and hoping around with mirth.Everything seemed perfect.The dawn seemed wonderful,lovely and peaceful.Nature was gleaming with benevolence and love for the entire life on Earth.The little grains of sand lay damp at the seashore,with cute tiny crabs crawling out of their hidings,the celestial horizon calm and mammoth gazed gently down on Earth,the sky puffy and cloudy with a blush of the morning sun...Oh! Mother Nature looked her best and smiled graciously at her children with an air of profound satisfaction...When somwhere from yonder came a thunderous roar of heightened hatred and contempt for Mother Earth and her nourished beloved life...The volcaoes erupted on life,like a huge boiler of molten metal...,the rivers changed their course flooding the countryside...,the seas and the oceans rocked the entire life ...,ships reached the bottom...,sea bed came to shore with waves touching the sky,washing away its glow turning it blue to black...,thunder and lightening fired the sky ,bringing down torrents of rain ,adding misery and pain to the loving and caring Mother Earth.The message she understood...the tyrannical king is on his way down...
Give me back the days I lived...
Under the protective shield
Of love,affection and concern
Filled with guidance care and expectations!
Father filled life with luxury
Mother packed life with love
Sister shared everything
Brother was there always my the side!
Family was my world
I had a Lifetime experience to be told
All was well and Fine
With God's grace Divine!
Great were those days,with hugs and lots of Love
Today I spread the same everywhere
Now the world is my family
Still give me back the days I lived...
Why so serious...!
Sky is dark and scary
No Stars with streaks of lightening
Darkness spreads across,So what
Every cloud has a silver lining!
Why so serious...
Earth shakes ,Tremors bring down
Skyscrapers down from its place
Get up ,build again with space
Change your ways with better pace!
Why so serious...
River overflow bridges,flowing off the banks
Roars Tsunami in full swing
Life rattles like thrown off a swing
Save ocean beds to brings back peace in no time!
Why so serious...
Nature is cool,Humans prove to be fools
Keep up your true spirit
Live a blessed life with nature
Seriously be serious not to disturb her!
Now Be serious...
Day in and day out
The sun shines brightly!
Birds chirp happily!
Flowers bloom merrily!
Wind blows gently!
Water gushes freely!
Heat spreads gradually!
Life springs earnestly!
Be Serious ,Nature is great
Conserve and preserve it!
Everything is meticulous!
All is perfect!All is well!
Words are not enough...
Little sparrow wanted to fly high like the eagle
Flying high above to its dismay
I can teach you fly high
Rest on my wings and never fly...
No,no said the weakling...
Not a good idea ,Goodbye!
Crossed a group of geese
Flew the flight with ease
Join us we'll lift you up
You'll float in the air ...catch up
Never can I do that...
To forget my true self,Goodbye!
Wonder came the crow from nowhere
Cawing ,cawing calling its peers from everywhere
Gave a glimpse at the sparrow
Threw a wise look like an arrow
Words are not enough bro
You can only be of help...
Think deep,taste the essence of thoughts
Deeds speak a lot more than words
Firm you steps ,take flight
Journey into the world with delight!
Give yourself the helping hand
For you are most blessed with a magic wand!
Never seek for help outside
Everything is in store inside...
Seek in,Plunge into your conscious
To cherish the hidden treasure for sure
Almighty packed you right with gifts
That is a perennial source of life that lifts!
Little Sparrow happy and gay
Little sparrow kept wandering
Hills,mountains ,valleys without fearing!
Chirped its way to peace and glory
Having fun and no fury!
After tasting life's secrecy!
I smile not always
At people making fun
disheartening others by
gossiping,boasting or bullying
Shoot back without fail
Strong am I not...?
I smile tirelessly from morn till dawn
at the innocence of children
and to every humane act
Send a warm welcoming note in times of trial
Strong am I not...?
I cry over spilt milk,yes I do...
but never will I ever spill it again
bundle the memories in a haystack
burn them to ashes anyway
Strong am I not...?
To wish others good luck even in times of my adversity
To give a helping hand without their request
To give without expectation
To try and try until success
To be humble and patient
To be strong...
In love
In Life
in Virtues
In Peace
How I wish I can say so.......!
Know thyself...
Know thyself before it is too late
For the world laughs at you as if it is great
Pokes if you are dumb
Criticizes if you feel guilty
Shuns you if you are meek
Runs over if you are slow !
Know thyself
You are the ruler of your fate
You are a born winner,
You decide your way
You chisel yourself
Your are nature's best creation!
Know thyself
To bring about the greatness all around
To bring peace and enlightenment into the world
To move ahead with diligence
To be the change you wish to be
To be the best of God's Creation on Earth!
Grab the opportunity
March forward armored with morality
To Prove to the world
Your are the one and one unique!
You are great!
So Know thyself...