El Camino de la Muerte
“No corras por el bosque
No mires hacia atras
O la Muerte te seguira
Hasta te encontrar”
That was it said on that old wooden thing at the entering of the Bolivian path – well known as “Death Road”. Someone once said that it is up to three hundred the number of villagers killed in this path yearly. That was silly. Why should one care about this? It was just a stupid road.
“Don’t run in the woods
Don’t look back
Don’t stop
Or Death will follow you
Until you’re found”
Rubbish made up to scare kids and maybe attract more tourists to the country. Rubbish that people once in a while believed.
Emma and Marcus loved adventures – all sorts of it; a wild animal to a mountain freezing over. They already tried many crazy things, but before they jumped into the wildest of all the adventures – marriage – they decided to try one last thing: Bolivia, somewhere near La Paz where a path called “Death Road” was located.
First they would cross that blasted path and prove the stories wrong.
Emma heard well enough from the locals that people believed the path to be truly dangerous, that not even their most brave man could make it alive. She had a thing to no men before her had, though: a GPS.
“Whatever.” Emma laughed, looking at her fiancée from the corner of her eyes. “Let’s just get this over with, I’m hungry and sweaty enough for a week.”
“Yeah, yeah, Ems, whatever.” Marcus shook his head, patting the woman on her arm. “Nothing can go wrong here, yeah?”
“Don’t tell me you’re afraid?”
A laugh escaped the man’s throat. “No way in seven hells I’m afraid of a little haunted forest, love.”
“Then let’s go.”
They walked quietly for a while – not because they were following the warnings, of course – just observing what Mother Nature offered to their eyes. It was beautiful, Emma could admit that.
Stunning, that was it. Everything surrounding the couple was stunning.
It was all so amazing, so magical that they couldn’t help but feel lighter than they ever felt.
Suddenly, Marcus decided to let go of Emma’s hand and run ahead of her, looking as much as a child at Christmas day. He was so light… he couldn’t stand by Emma’s side without exploring around.
Then it was all very quiet. The beauty gone.
“Don’t run in the woods”, Emma remembered with a start.
Marcus looked back at his fiancée with wide eyes.
“Don’t look back.”
His body stopped abruptly, his feet glued to the ground.
“Don’t stop.”
He ran away, as fast as his legs allowed.
“Or Death will follow you
Until you’re found.”
Emma didn’t stop nor tried to follow him – granted, she loved Marcus dearly, but she also loved her life. She wouldn’t die after what she saw.
So she just continued walking on the trail because there was only El Camino de la Muerte.
The Land Above All Clouds: Where Celtics and Norse can easily get together
From what the few people who were lucky enough to escape and tell stories about The Land Above All Clouds said, the dungeon shone like it was made of gold – amber walls, gleaming stone floor. The first part of the place didn’t have any cells; it just looked like a barricade with a group of stern-faced sentinels guarding a doorway. Entering the confinement was usually easy– but it was rare to see someone with a true story of leaving.
The reason was simply enough. The Norse were a group of people who cared about war like no other before them could and no one to come after them would. For this reason, their prisons were always the most secure and cruel that a living or dead person could find.
In comparison, the Celtics were people who thought mostly about strategy and magic. Their prisons were the most difficult to find. One couldn’t even think about escaping from a Celtic prison.
The Land Above All Clouds was born out of a mix of Norse and Celtic people – something that would make Atlantis sounds like child’s play. The customs were mostly Celtic while the clothes, buildings, jewels, and passion for gold were nothing short of distinctly Norse.
The prison in The Land Above All Clouds was no different. And, in normal days, everything worked perfectly fine in politics, markets, homes, and prison.
The particular day you are about to hear about, however, was not a normal day. Behind the shadows the guards and the gold were casting, a foreign visitor was moving like a cat. The silhouette of a young woman was what the shadow slowly revealed – body covered in black, dark hair and the reddest eyes someone could ever see. She walked confidently towards the guards, her body revealing itself to be a shadow as it came into the light.
“You!” called one of the guards as he stopped moving around. His eyes settled on the woman just as his golden spear settled on her neck. “Stop where you are!”
She didn’t even flinch. Instead, her lips curled into a cruel smile, her hands on her heart – faking hurt.
The second guard came running towards her and his colleague, dagger in hand. He eyed her as if she was a potential intruder – which she was, but she certainly wasn’t caring about that title at the moment. She had her plan, she needed to execute it, and she didn’t need some stupid guards to serve as a hindrance between her and the source of power she was coming to recover.
“This field is just for guards and captives.” His voice and look were much more steady than the others, but he still held some menace – enough to frighten an ordinary prisoner.
Then the woman talked for the first time, her voice making the sentinels shiver. “Is that so, my dears? I believe it was my mistake then.” She smiled wickedly at them, holding her hands up. As she slipped back into being a shadow, she swiftly climbed up the walls. In a matter of seconds, her stealthy frame propelled itself from the cold stone to their chests, magically summoning the second guard’s dagger from its sheath. She stood up and stepped away from the bodies, fixing her hair now tousled hair in a ladylike style and restarted her walk to the doorway.
“I don’t particularly fit in either of those categories,” she said to no one, shrugging. The shadow waved her hand in the door ’s direction, and it slowly creaked open on its own. She frowned at the sight hidden behind its frame, looking at the new gold room, no guards and just a lonely door on the opposite wall. “There, Set, where might you be?”
As she walked to the new door, distracted by the opulence, she didn’t see the other guard coming close to her. He held a spear like the first one, but there was something different about him – he was laughing. The new sentinel removed his helmet and let long curly waves of dark hair run down his back. It wasn’t a man, but a young woman – still, her posture held more threats than any other men did.
“Oh, Eris. Did I startle you?” She shook her head, letting the curls of hair run free on her shoulders and down her back. “I am truly sorry for that.”
Pushing the spear away from her face, Eris eyed the new guard with utter disdain – a ghost of mockery and pity were in her eyes as well, but nothing compared to the first emotion she showed.
“Sif. What a pleasure to meet you again! It has been a long time, I believe. Perhaps...since I beheaded your dear lover, the Prince?”
Pressing the tip of her spear furiously deep in Eris’s neck again, enough to even draw blood, Sif hissed under her breath. Eris, on the other hand, had a mask of indifference, putting her hand on the blood trailing from her throat and faking a pout towards Sif.
“Do not open your mouth to talk about him!”
“Oh, dear. Hit a raw nerve, did I? What a shame.” Sif lifted the spear up to Eris’ face as the stealthy opponent began walking in circles around the warrior to play with her raven hair. “Such a strong, resilient young woman. You had everything you needed to become a powerful warrior! The most dangerous soldier in a battle was what I heard. However, you ruined your life by falling for the not-Crown Prince, didn’t you? And the price, let me say,” Eris laughed more firmly this time, patting the warrior ’s cheek, “was particularly high.”
“You have a point; I must admit. However, it was not me who ended up banished from all worlds, was it? And that was because, pray tell, I was there to point a dagger to your neck.” Looking at the spear in her hand, Sif laughed quietly. “I might be developing a fetish of pointing sharp things to your neck.”
Like two cats preparing to fight, the women were practically fencing around each other – weapons in hand, moving their feet to mirror one another. As quiet as Sif ’s laugh, Eris hissed at the warrior.
“You might have been able to get into the castle, but you’re not leaving it,” the Norse woman said.
“There’s a game I certainly want to play with you!”
Shadowing her body again, Eris jumped straight to Sif ’s chest, knocking her to the ground.
Grumbling and getting up, Sif was more excited to keep the fight going now. Furiously fighting, the sounds of metal clashing against metal were louder than their groans of pain and frustration.
Hissing at each other, Eris attacked again with her dagger and to deflate the movement, Sif fell to the ground, hitting her head hard against the still closed door. Her opponent laughed, throwing her dagger up and catching it, staring at Sif with disdain.
“Seriously? The legendary Norse warrior is just going to fall back and forth? That’s dishonor on you, Sif!”
Sif had a gash on her face. Her lips were twisted with anger. Her spear was long forgotten on the other side of the room. Eyeing it, Eris threw her dagger there as well, smiling warmly at Sif.
“And what do you, the most treacherous person I ever knew, know about honor?”
“Me? The most? Somehow I don’t think so. You do share your roof with the oh, so mischievous God of Mischief...your brother-in-law if I recall. How’s he, by the way? Oh, wait – he is not here as well.”
“Shut up!”
Sif attacked Eris, her punch going straight to the goddess’ jaw.
Massaging her face, Eris smiled with concealed pain – she wasn’t showing any weakness, especially not to Sif.
“Right, I catch your style. A fair fight? Without my powers?”
“You’re just afraid because you know that I’m way better than you are with hands.” “Not at all, dear.”
Eris jumped at Sif; her body morphing into a shadow again. The pair rolled on the floor, their bodies close to the weapons – Sif eyed them with want, but Eris managed to hold her to the ground. “Oh, dear. Am I being too rude with the little princess?”
Sif rolled to her side, pushing the witch away. “Not a princess anymore.”
She restarted her furious run to Eris, picking up her spear once again. However, her opponent waved her hand towards her, making the warrior instantly crumble and fall asleep on the floor.
Sighing, Eris checked the warrior ’s pulse – breathing, but not moving.
“Oops. That was a little treacherous; I must admit. Still, don’t worry, you will be awake in a few.”
Turning her back to the unconscious Sif, she entered the closest door and found a new room in the dungeon.
Coincidentally, it was just the one she was looking for.
It was a very big room with several cells – the only thing that didn’t shine in the entire palace. The cells were small cubicles made purely of stone, the only way to see the captives was by peeking an eye through the small hole that was bored into the stone wall of each cell.
Eris started looking for her target along the lot of prisoners, eyeing as many of them as she could – frowning at them, usually.
“No, no, you’re not him. There, there, it can’t be that hard to find a caged god.” She suddenly stopped, looking at a far cell. “Oh, Set. There you are.”
Set, the caged God, was sitting in the fetal position in one corner of his dark cubicle, wearing ragged clothes, dark hair a mess, deep skin almost looking pale for the lack of sunlight. The dark circles under his eyes were disturbing to see as he stared at Eris open-mouthed.
She bowed mockingly at him. “Set. Lovely to see you here.”
He stared at her a few more seconds before sighing loudly, “Your bottom lip is bleeding. And you’re pretty much late.”
She walked towards him, still not earning even a stir from him. “Is that how you treat your savior?”
“I’ve been locked here for years! If you were interested in saving me, you would have been here sooner. You want something. And I’m not interested.”
Eris patted the stone wall, looking at him with an evil smile. “No? Really? Pity. Because, I can offer you your freedom.” She made a dramatic pause, her eyes gleaming with so much mischief that Gin himself would be proud. “Still not interested?”
“Not interested in ‘freedom’ if it won’t last.”
“Fairly certain it won’t if you don’t bring your tail end up now. I don’t have forever to wait.” Set smiled friendly, but still didn’t move. He was certainly enjoying this game – he, after all, had forever to wait. Being locked in The Land Above All Clouds meant never getting old – never dying, just living as long as the Norse’s wanted to punish you. Set had plenty of time to discuss his plans, they couldn’t do much worse to him than they already did.
“’That so? Tell me, how were you planning on escaping the guards – escaping the palace – after you ‘rescued’ me? Where, exactly, were you planning to go?”
“Oh, dear, dear Set. You underestimate me. I am the Goddess of Chaos, after all.” “You were once locked away as I am today.”
“In a much more comfortable cage, actually.”
The sound of metal clashing against the floor made Eris frown – she was taking longer than she meant to – and she had to escape, with Set or not. She tapped one of her feet impatiently on the floor.
New guards were coming.
It was time to get out or risk being caught.
She swiftly decided to take a new approach – a desperate one, yes, but she was on the edge.
“Set. Don’t you miss the adventure? The feeling of being the best of them? I can give you that plea- sure. Just come with me.”
Getting up, Set sighed. “It had better be worth it.”
Biting at bait Eris set forth was never a wise thing to do. But considering his options, what was worse- Eris or a prison where he would live forever?
Eris put her hand inside of the cell, offering it to Set, and he promptly refused. Sighing, she in- stead waved her hand through the air, and the stones of his cage started to fall apart, leaving a hole for him to exit. Set smiled and stood up, cleaning the dust from his clothes.
The other prisoners were very agitated now – they were very loud, thrusting their hands outside their cages, trying to grasp on to Eris and Set.
The duo started running as quickly as they could towards the exit door, passing over two un- conscious guards. Their exit wasn’t very far, and they pushed harder. They were suddenly cut off as guards emerged with weapons drawn, closing off their portal. Leading the group was Sif, angrier than ever, her eyes on fire as she stared furiously at Eris.
She nodded to the guards and commanded loudly, “Don’t let them escape.”
She was staring at Eris, smiling and shaking her head. Trials of blood had dried over her eye- brows and chin. She ignored it, letting the spear dance between her hands.
“You’re here because of him? Set? He’s already rotten, as if you didn’t know.”
Sif ’s smile widened at that statement, and she started circling around the two gods, her spear poking their shoulders.
“How interesting. You used to be better, Eris. Set was here because he was stupid enough to fall into some mischief. You actually want to risk your neck for that?”
“He might be dazed, but I am not.”
Set backed away from Eris, eyeing her with pure hatred and betrayal, looking for his weapons only to remember he had none with him. “That wasn’t the deal!”
Eris glared at Set.
“I never broke your deal. I’m a Goddess of word. My word lasts...for all eternity.”
At that statement, Sif laughed hysterically. The sentinels all eyed her, confused at what might seem like joy, but still frozen in place to support their respected leader.
“Oh, yes. I remember that one. Eris’ word lasts for all eternity until she resolves to disregard her principles.”
Angered, Eris smashed her hand on the nearest wall. The force of the impact made the entire room shake, including Sif and her guards.
“I have never, ever broken any deals. I gave my word! And it does remain. Do you want proof? I am going to be the one to throw you out of this place, out of your altar!”
The guards swiftly raised their weapons towards Eris, but Sif silenced them with a wave of dismissal.
“No, no! That’s the Eris I know. All empty threats. I want to see where this is heading.” One of the guards touched Sif ’s forearm, trying to get her attention.
“But, Lady Sif—”
“I DEMAND YOU TO SHUT YOUR MOUTH!” Her strong demeanor caused the guards to back up in shock. The reason she was chosen as their leader was suddenly clear as day.
Eris was the one who started hysterically laughing this time. She looked at Sif, her eyes full of mockery. She patted Sif ’s cheeks, receiving a glare from the guards. Sif pursed her lips, distraught.
“That’s the Sif I know, full of fake strength. Still stuck as the poor teenager who is mad that I took away her boyfriend and parents. Poor, poor Sif. All alone. Forever alone.”
Sif opened her mouth to answer, but Set was faster. He gave Sif a right hook straight on the jaw, knocking her to the floor.
She fainted right away.
Eris drew back, watching Set as utter shock crept over her face. He shrugged helplessly. “What? I was tired of her speech.”
“Wonderful. Now they will even have an excuse to kill us,” she reminded him as she gestured to the guards. “What a fantastic plan!”
“At least I had one!”
The guards were regaining their power of reaction – quizzically staring back and forth between the unconscious Sif and the gods. Gradually, they stiffened into warrior stances before racing towards the duo, weapons ready and yelling something the gods didn’t bother to pay attention to.
Eyeing Set with annoyance, Eris rolled her eyes. “Now, you remember why you have legs, right?”
“The backup plan? Always.”
They started sprinting through the guilded tunnels, away from the dungeons, both breathing hard. As the continued, nerves built as Set wasn’t seeing their exit.
“Brilliant, Eris, just brilliant. Where’s the escape now?” he called in between deep breaths.
She didn’t slow her pace but turned her head to his side. Her smile was pure evil. “Hanging on the wall.”
“I beg your pardon?”
She laughed, arching her brows at him. “Still afraid to trust me?”
“I do represent distrust, don’t I? Besides, it’s you.” Clearly worried, he added, “I want to know how to get out of here now. Because, Eris, it’s better you have an exit because we are in The Land Above All Clouds and—”
“How else do you think I came here? The walls. It’s like using rat holes.” “We’re not rats, even if you’re very close to being one.”
Eris ignored his comment, shrugging nonchalantly.
She slowed her run as they came close to a specific wall. Methodically hung along the walls were drawings of people passing through caves, trees, waterfalls, walls, furniture, and floors.
Placed directly in the center of all of the artwork was a giant hand drawn golden apple. The gilded fruit shone brighter than any of the surrounding rooms.
The golden apple immediately caught Eris’ eye. It was, without a doubt, the same drawing that was in her book. She smiled warmly at the thought.
“Just keep running, and you will see,” she teased.
Set was worried, but he did as she said. His eyes drifted as they neared the shining fruit. He didn’t think it would work, only he didn’t have another alternative.
“I trust this isn’t your way to kill a god.”
“If it were, you would know. Be certain of that.”
Their approach quickened. They didn’t even have time to blink before they hit the painting and immediately disappeared.
The wind was blowing forcefully. Almost everything around them was green – from plants, to the ground, to water, to Eris.
The goddess’ face was almost as green as the thousands of pine trees in the background. She wanted to throw up. Turning to her backside, she saw Set passing through the cave’s wall, looking much better than her. “That affair is a great deal better in theory than in colors, isn’t it?”
Frowning, Eris shook her head. “It’s the last time I come to save your backside. Next time, you’ll be all bones in a dungeon.”
“Whatever you say, sweetheart. I just want to talk about our business. Why did you pull me out of there?”
Eris smiled a little, getting close to the man next to her, her eyes sparkling with joy despite the desire to vomit. “You remember Anubis, right? Your partner in the Egyptian Empire?”
Set backed off, holding her gaze suspiciously. He didn’t want to talk about anything that re- minded him of Egypt – the time that he was actually a god.
“Well, I want a thing of his. A thing that I think you know very well.”
He knew what she was talking about, but he was still silent and holding her gaze with even more fury.
“I could take the risk and say that you know it almost as good as Anubis himself.” “The bracelet.”
“Yes, yes, yes. The bracelet. You can lead me to it, can’t you?”
Set ignored her and came closer, looking Eris straight in her eyes. Knowing what she wanted, he was longer full of suspicion or anger. “You want the army. Not the bracelet, nor Anubis.”
“I don’t want to – I don’t have to – put my head on the line. Especially that particular line.” Eris was huffing again, but Set could tell he had caught her attention. She was willing him to continue his speech before she laid down her demands. “This thing has already cost too much of my life. My skin,” he pointed to a very big scar on his neck, “is too ragged to try and claim it again. The army? You certainly cannot control it. Not the way you think. You think you’ve already seen demons? You haven’t. Not the real ones.” Turning his face to the left, Set pointed to another scar, this time on his eyebrow. “And, I don’t even know where Anubis hid it. Nor do I know where he is.”
Now Eris’s face lightened and she was all excited again.
“AHA! That’s exactly what I was waiting for. You might not know where the little god is, but I do. That’s a path I can lead us. If you only agree in helping me get the pretty jewel...”
“And what, pray tell, do I owe with that? I will not risk my head over nothing.”
“I was waiting for that, too. You, my ragged friend, will get a chance to make Gin pay for what he did. Why we keep calling him by that name when we both know that’s not his name is beyond me. Revenge, that’s what you want, isn’t it?”
Set’s eyes were full of anger, and he was almost spitting venom. His face was all rage; the memories were still very clear to him. He shook his head affirmatively, but the anger did not go away.
“I know exactly where he is,” Eris continued. “He’s with our dear Anubis in another world, but I can get us there using another... rat hole. Once we get there, you help me get Anubis, and I’ll leave you to deal as you please with little Gin.”
Eris gave her hand to Set, willing him to shake it. She was almost there, almost accomplishing her mission.
Set paused, pondering. A moment passed, and he nodded, giving her his hand. “It can’t possibly end well.”
“That’s what I’m looking forward to.”
*this is the first chapter of the young adult book about mythology, 'Down the Wormhole' that can be found on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TFIUG9S
Green double date
I would have a double date, but I’d be the woman in both. And I wouldn’t care if I had the date with both men at the same time. I would be wearing green -- not sure if it would be a dress or something less formal -- and I would want to make myself beautiful even if I decided to just go for a PizzaHut (“Because fictional characters must get to know what we have best”, I would answer to anyone who asked me why this) and I would happily go in my way to meet with the God of Mischief and the Slytherin Prince.