I know I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for this, specifically from christians but the truth must be told. This is the first post to my series "Holidays" All in one book that'll be free on here.
In this series, I will talk about the origins of holidays, their traditions, and more. Specifically, popular holidays such as Halloween.
I may publish the book on Amazon too, depending on how well it does...
Halloween (Intro)
Known for it’s relation to Satan, Halloween makes no effort to hide its evil nature. Often, horror movies are watched, ghosts are seen, monsters creep, cults sacrafice and chill, and satan if a huge idol for this fun and creepy holiday.
It’s loved by all due to the fact that one can dress up and splurge on candy for hours.
But how did it come be? Why is Satan such a big deal in Halloween? Why do people leave bowls of candy out for the cute trick or treaters? Why do people dress up?
So many questions that one has. You, just as everyone else, may lack the motivation to do their research (you know it’s true, don’t get defensive), thus never knowing the origin.
So I, the author, have come to answer such questions, all you must do, is read a few chapters and they shall be answered. The resources will also be provided below in case you doubt me.