Hidden in Flame
A girl has a lot of them locked up. She will never let them out. She will keep her promises. Even then, she needs to get rid of the drama playing in her mind somehow. She can't let it twist her inside - she doesn't want to become her own worst nightmare: someone who gives secrets to others to hold. She has borne enough to know that this is the most difficult gift, one that can never be returned, taken back, only given again... So she finds an outlet that can hold such gift: the partnership of paper and flame.
"There's a boy that I know who seems so sweet, so normal... He told me he has depression.
"A girl in my homeroom has secrets surrounding her like fog: she's done drugs, she's stolen things, and she's lied... to the police.
"Another boy, one I still have a crush on, got drunk and sent bad images - like really bad - to a friend of mine... She spread the word around to everyone, and now I can't look at him the same way, but I still like him. I have no idea what to do.
"A teammate of mine can't help but still have feelings for his ex, but she's a player. She basically told him to 'wait his turn.' That's horrible! I wish I could spread the word so everyone else is warned, but he told me not to tell...
"My lab partner told me that she broke up with her boyfriend because she decided he wasn't popular enough for her. Personally, I think that's really low, but it's not my place to judge her.
"My mother has been cheating on my father with our neighbor. I keep catching her walking from his house with her hair disheveled and her outfit crumpled, but I shut my mouth. Dad would be devastated...
"My own secrets are few and far between, but the worst... it's truly worse than all I've ever had to hold for others. I could just write it out, set it in the flame, and be done with it all. I should; here goes. I'm done. I want all of it off my back. If anyone finds this other than the flame, don't bother looking for me: I'll be too far gone, too far away that no one will find me in this life. If anyone would need me that bad... they can find me in the next."
They always say,
“Calm down, you’re fine.
It’ll pass, just ignore it.”
They always say,
“It’s such a little thing,
Nothing to worry about.
Let it go.”
They always say,
But they don’t really know,
They have no idea,
How it feels to be like this:
To be worried about simple tasks,
To be obsessed with planning ahead,
To be anxious about life far away,
To be concerned when nothing is wrong…
They always say,
But they don’t really know.
We make our lives the way we like them
Or rather we try
Sometimes it just doesn’t happen that way
It all just falls apart
Take a dear friend of mine for instance
We were very close
But she was the one with a solitary path
I liked company
There was confrontation between us
Neither side backed down
In the end there was harsh betrayal
I should have made peace
I was so, so mistaken, so wrong
It all just fell apart
Now daily I lay weeping in pain
I tried life my way
And it just didn’t happen like that
If there’s one thing I have learned
With the eyes of a mother
I can raise my daughter however I like
I can help her grow into a young woman
I can tame her wild spirit
I can kiss her forehead before bedtime
I can push her to her limits
I can mentor her through hard times
I can bandage her wounds
I can teach her all I know
But as she grows up
She will become independent
She will become her own self
She will become rebellious
She will become intelligent
She will become difficult
She will become beautiful
She will become hard to handle
She will become an adult
And I will become not a coach
But just a spectator
Sitting on the sidelines
I’m holding on too long
You can tell
I’m sure
I just want to spend time with you
As much as I can before you leave
The time is approaching fast
And I’m terrified of what’s to come
I love you so much
And it’s my love that fills me with fear
You can’t stay here forever
I know
But I wish you could
I’m afraid that once you leave
You’ll leave for good
And I’ll never get to see
My little girl