The real definition of the word story is, an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment, but the meaning for me is something completely different. To me, a story is something wonderful and amazing. It makes you want to be there with the characters as they go through their highs and lows. A good story makes you feel true raw emotion at what the characters are going through. It's an adventure you can go on without leaving the comfort of your own home. To me, it is a safe haven kept between two covers of an amazing book. Stories are not like the books they are kept in. Books are just dead trees covered in ink while a story is alive and free. The author who makes these new worlds have so much power. They can create problems and solutions, antagonists and heroes, but the authors who have the most power are the ones who can pull you into a story and make you want to stay there forever. To me, stories never end. When I finish a story a piece of me stays there with those characters forever. A story is laughter and tears, but most of all a story to me is family. When I read I create a bond with these characters and the worlds they live in. I hold onto them and keep them in my heart. I always keep them there because I learn from their experiences. So just because stories are imaginary doesn't mean they aren't real.