devil, devil
it can send me crumbling
down to the ground.
snapshots interlaced throughout
a perfectly good moment.
it strikes me,
voltages send me tumbling.
I chose to stay above ground.
do you hear me?
do you even understand?
I fell as Persephone did,
but we are free at last.
heaven is a place on earth
and the flowers follow me.
I chose to stay above ground
and I will stay through the winter,
giggling through rose fucking lenses
as I study every snowflake.
your memories linger,
like an infection,
a disease.
guess what, my Lord,
I found the cure.
There are four angels,
four heartbeats
that sleep soundly,
safely with me at night
whilst love calls my name
from countries over.
Internally I struggle
with the security,
the serenity,
the love I feel,
how foreign it all is.
For tonight,
I’ll sleep peacefully
knowing his lips speak my name
while I have sixteen other legs
with me in bed
until his return.
Joy pours out of me
as of late
It is raw and real
and unnerving
as I remember my arrival
to this place
as a stark contrast
Now I begin to digest
the absolute destruction
to one’s vulnerability
an absolute fucking psychopath
can have
I shiver as the joy pours out
shedding whatever remnants
remain of you
Rapid eye movements
brought on by my self
rewire pathways
and I am ungroomed
I taste saltwater
and I am laughing
but absolutely terrified
by this recycling of joy
being poured into me
then out of me
by the same hands
I have unknowingly memorized
in mesmerization
The sun sets on us
once again
as the dogs curl up
under the truck bed.
I can’t recall
what we were laughing at
as I take your cold hands in mine
and blow into them.
One look from you
and I internally laugh at the sky
for maybe the fourth time
this week;
everything makes sense now.
I saw you and
everything was clear;
clearer than the mountain sky
you gave me,
clearer than the water
rushing under us.
Do you believe
in missing puzzle pieces?