Dear Alison at 18,
It’s been a long ten years. Currently, I’m going to turn 28 in two short weeks. You will be learning a few lessons along the way.
There will be a virus. It is called “Covid-19”, or “the corona virus.” This will wipe out your love life. It will leave you completely and utterly alone.
And I want you to know: while you might not experience love in your 28th year, it will come back. You will be hugged, and someone will love you. It’s coming. Just remember to hold on when things get tough. There is a ying to your yang, I promise.
There will be self-inflicted abuse.
Just remember: you’re not going anywhere. Look around. Take a deep breath. You will start doing yoga, taking vitamins, going on runs. Nature will look vibrant. You will drink, but not too much. You have the taste of beer to look forward to, friends to enjoy the company of. This will all be yours in just ten years.
There will be hospitalizations.
Just know this: you are enough. While the world chatters away outside, you have a place inside. You will always have a home to go back to, family to embrace. You will learn, and grow from these experiences. Never let anyone for any reason make you back down.
You are enough.
And with that, I entrust you with your own life. Please take care of it, of yourself.
Ten years from now, it’s all you have.
You got this,
Alison at 28