A rose, beautiful yes,
sent is magnificent yes,
Loved in weddings and ceremonies.
Designs for a room of finesse yes,
It's beauty is loved all around the world.
It grows wild and free or caged and tame in bushes and shrubs we love.
Roses are things that stand for love in many places around the world.
For red or pink, purple or blue, yellow or white, the rose stands for beauty and peaceful love.
But what about the evil that it stands for the death and despair,
The pain and blood shed that a rose is brought to be a part of.
For the red it has is the blood of many people that have suffered a thousands deaths,
Yes it stands for love and beauty,
But it also stands for death and despair.
The evil that runs through every evil things veins.
So, when the air was breaking its way through the tallest trees in the forest there was a cloud that moves it's way back home. I stood there in the midst of it all. I kept thinking to myself, will I ever lose oxygen? And I told myself that it wouldn't be possible because then I would be dead.
In fact, I did lose oxygen. Because that air was only outside. In my standing I realized that I was inside and the air was beating up the trees on a wintry night and I was actually tucked away in bed.
I dreamt about being there but I wasn't really there, I was here.
So, when I awoke I was out of breath and having to catch myself.