Sometimes I do produce outstanding work, but I am the worst possible judge of my own work, so I try to be as humble as I can about my posts.
Often I'll write something so incredibly dire (to my mind), and post it thinking it will garner zilch likes, and it goes on to be quite favourably received. If you check my profile for best liked posts you'll see my most popular piece was a simple sentence about a deceased daughter, this took seconds to write and post. Yet work I've slaved over and polished to a mirror finish gets four likes.
But that's how it goes isn't it?
I am not a judge of my own work. Like they say beauty and value are both in the eye of the beholder.
Absolutely. A lot.
My take is this-- whether I'm good or not is not up to me. I can believe I am, and that helps, but it doesn't change whether I actually am or not. I always want to improve like I'm the worst ever, but I show my work with pride like I'm the best-- because that makes people believe it.
Besides that, who cares? Who cares if no one pays attention? You did a cool thing. Now you can keep it all to yourself and treasure that you experienced an amazing piece of work that no one else did. It really doesn't matter whether you're good or not. Just create. <3
Typically, when nobody cares about my marvelous work I, personally, read it over and over again to find where the fuck I went wrong. In this process, I'm so dazzled by my own words that it stops mattering.
And, when I can't find where I went wrong I stop caring.
Those stupid fucks, is all that I think to myself.