Challenge Ended
Sentence or two each, let's just let it flow. Nominate who's next after you've posted. Let's have fun here.
Ended April 26, 2015 • 4 Entries • Created by Yowwa
Sentence or two each, let's just let it flow. Nominate who's next after you've posted. Let's have fun here.
Sentence or two each, let's just let it flow. Nominate who's next after you've posted. Let's have fun here.
Let It Flow
Let's just let it flow. What's next - we do not know. What matters is to keep on flowing, rhyming, going, finding the next line to write digitally in light of literally loving literature and language in the forms of rhyme and free-flow thought and feeling combined to transform the collective mind and allow it to jive in sync with life's rhythm and matrices. JW1GGY - I hereby nominate thee to enter this most quality scene.
Sentence or two each, let's just let it flow. Nominate who's next after you've posted. Let's have fun here.
The Demon of Kensall
I'd heard the stories and decided it was time to take a look into it.
I threw a bag into the trunk and gassed the old Deuce out along the highway towards Kensall, it was getting dark when I finally arrived so I checked into the towns only motel and cracked a bottle of Jim Beam, determined to get a good nights sleep.