Be real. And heal.
Be yourself.
There's nobody else to be,
Especially if you want to be free.
Of the judgement and pain.
There's nothing to explain,
That's playing the mind's game.
You're smart enough to know
That the heart's the way to flow.
Try to keep complaining,
when every breath
Is pure amazement.
He barks with a vicious demeanor. He nips at my heels.
He breaks my stream of consciousness, crashing down into my headspace like a meteor.
He socks me in the gut, demanding I drop everything and create.
We have a love/hate relationship like a drill sargeant and his recruit. We drive each other mad but cannot exist without the other. I house his virile desires, and he keeps my creative essence burning.
He stokes the flames just enough so that they singe my dormant haunches to leap forth into the Great Unknown which we call art.
It’s okay to be alone
There is no need to define yourself through a relationship. You are your own wonderful individual with unique tastes and interests. Just because this relationship didn't work out doesn't mean that the next won't, and even if it doesn't, it doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with you. It is okay to be alone, it is better to be happy and single than sad and coupled.