Not God?
This is indeed a double edged sword to answer, however in the best interests of Prose I shall give it my best shot - bearing in mind of course that God is one of those subjects that has inculcated much debate, intolerance and open hatred depending on who you are, where you're from, and how much Jack Daniels you've just sunk.
Given that God is the name we give to whoever (or whatever) created the universe, and everything within it, it follows naturally that there can be nothing that is not 'of' God.
Having said that, I would hesitate to address a can of beans as God, though his hand is present in all the contents of the can and the can itself. I can argue though, that as the universe and its contents were not constructed by a can of beans, that the can of beans cannot therefore be God.
By the same reasoning, neither is my iPhone God (though to some individuals it may be considered otherwise).
Similarly, my front Door isn't God.
I could go on for millennia, but the constraints of my natural lifespan sort of block that.