Crypto the Knight
Hello! I am Krypto the Knight. I have recently been called up to save the city of Los Angeles by the president of Elements Inc. They have informed me that they are in serious need. But before I go and save the city, they asked me to send in a résumé of my super ability characteristics, to see if I am actually fighting for the good or bad side.
I was created in a laboratory in England by a Scottish chemist *winkwink*. He knew in finding a lighter gas than argon, but an idea struck to find a gas heavier than argon. That is when I was made, Krypton. I had been named Krypton because my name is derived from the Greek ‘kryptos’ meaning hidden.
I soon began to figure out what kind of special powers I had. Every time I walked by lights or any energy required electricity, I had a surge of power to turn it on. My creators had told me I was supposed to be a gas used for flashes and lights. I began training my powers and seeing what I was capable. I began surging off flashes of high speed that could blind a human. I knew of my powers but once I had been fused with fluorine gas I had discovered something else. Once I was fused with fluorine I had become Krypton fluoride. I was able to shoot out a surge of lasers at my own willing, but as soon as we un-fused I was back to my normal self.
Those are the special abilities I was born with. I am able to blind and take down evil with my surging of flashes. Then again, I am able to fuse with fluorine, and shoot out lasers, but that comes in dire situations. I am willing to fight for the good and protect those in need. YAA WHOO