My Daily Routine
The ritual or routine I'm going to explain happens on an average school week. Without boring you with the details of how I wake up, I was up to the sound of my alarm clock, get up stretch, groan, and complain about it being too early and not having slept very well. Sleepily stumbling towards the bathroom to get dressed and gauge the extra luggage that’s piled up beneath my eyes overnight, the beginning of a normal school day is always a bag of mixed emotions. However, I steadily get into the swing of things, looking forward to what the day has to offer. I say good morning to my mom and sister tell them that I love them and walk out the garage all the while making gestures to my two dogs while they're still asleep in the cage. It's time to head off the school.
Now school days aren't really all that interesting besides the banter and socializing between friends. I forsure do not want to talk about that so lets move along.
On coming home, I say hello to my dogs and give them some love, play with them for a few minutes. Then go inside greet my mom and my sister once again. Eat food then workout. Workouts usually tend to take up at least 45 minutes to an hour and thirty minutes. After that, down a protein shake, shower up and get clean , then homework time. Then when it's all said and done, sleep the night off. woot woot.