3 bits of advice for my own particular brand of child (the young who call themselves old souls)
it's okay to be a bookworm but know that you'll understand the words better once you've lived them
writing is a type of magic made of words and writers, but writers must have something to write about
hold your tongue around fools the way you hold your breath around smokers
but don't cover your mouth or your nose, hands are unsteady and independent
you don't have to be sad to be important
the people who only care when you're falling apart aren't the sort to associate with at all
how to bloom in winter
it's okay if you keep your ears shut
when you're six
while giants try to teach you the alphabet-
you can learn how to spell "czechoslovakia" and still not comprehend your lover
when they say they're leaving-
melancholy is a language all its own
and you will cry as you go
but learn as you grow
in first grade,
focus on counting your blessings
instead of your tens-
although harder to memorize,
they're far more important to remember
know your beginnings and endings-
do not let sundays take your soul
if you need help-
do not dig your own grave
when you're only thirteen
purely because you've only ever known
how to shovel
there is at least one person
willing to get their hands dirty
in order to water your withering spirit
discover cause and effect
as early on as you can
so when your mother yells
you will be able to take care of your wounds
before they begin to bleed
do not be an open book-
not everyone deserves to read your story
some people will only stay for the climax
little do they know
no mountain peaks at sixteen
familiarize yourself with hot glue and duct tape at an early age
learn how to fix the broken
so mending your heart will be a breeze
most importantly,
don't follow in my footsteps
unless you're looking to get lost
Take full advantage of your youth. Know your full worth. Try Everything from Drama to Soccer to Decca ..Try not to be hard on yourself even if everyone else is. Choose your friends wisely for they could be your destiny..Be a leader and lead without prejudice ..Know that no matter where you came from their is hope and possibilities but it takes work to find the way..Have a spiritual connection..After all who does a drowning person call for..Lastly love your elders..They can teach you many things.. They were young once..Live bravely before you become invisible..
Don’t try to grow up early unless you show some maturity.
I'm not even close to adulthood but I think people younger than me, should stop trying so hard to grow up. They should appreciate being young instead of always wanting to be older, to wear makeup or get a smartphone at age ten. I admit I did that too, but not as much as I see the younger kids doing today.
Don’t let youth be wasted while you are young
Enjoy having summers off
Having meals prepared for you
Laundry fairies that do your wash
Free things/allowances
Great friends
Try new things
And travel every chance you get
These are the things you will miss when you get older.
But above all else, remember youth is only a short period of time so do not waste it worrying about what others think of you. Just be yourself. That is good enough!
It’s Okay
It's okay if you want to sit by yourself at lunch.
It's okay if you're not part of the popular clique.
It's okay if you're not the skinniest.
It's okay to make mistakes.
It's okay if not everyone likes you.
It's okay to be yourself, in fact, that's the only true way to get by.
Be yourself and don't let anyone tell you that that's not good enough. If you're a girl and you want to cut your hair short, go ahead. If you're a boy who likes the color pink, so what. Love who you can but fend for yourself.
Best Advice
You want the very best advice that I can give you, something that when I was young I never even thought of?
Have you seen the late Robin Williams great movie 'Dead Poets Society'....?
Seize The Day.
Everything in your life could change in a heartbeat. So live every second of every minute of every single hour. Live. Run, jump, laugh, sing, shout.
Do it. Seize the day.