The Death of a Heart
What happens when your heart breaks
Does it feel as if someone has reached into your chest and physically ripped it apart
Or is it a growing emptiness
Like there is a hole where there should be an organ of flesh and blood
It aches, it is a dull ache
You try to fill it with every distraction known to woman and man
You drown your sorrows
You laugh and pretend everything is ok
Because if you acknowledge it isn’t
That measly glue you put on your heart will start to melt away
What was holding you together doesn’t work anymore
The hole is getting bigger and bigger
The chest is aching and aching
Until you are just numb
Nothing truly brings you joy or sorrow
You have no reason to be in the world
And try as hard as you might you can't find it
We, humans, have lost it long ago
We believe we only live once
But can we even call this living
We throw ourselves into meaningless fleeting pursuits
And when that temporary high is gone
And that ache starts to come back
We throw ourselves into the next one and the next
Trying to find something to fix that hole in our hearts