The day had been exhilarating. Aaron’s body pumped with adrenaline, thinking back to the power he could now wield. Even more he stood now as a symbol to his initiates of power. His competitors had now quickly become allies in training up their skills. As he reflected on Aodach, Saighdear and Eibhinn he realized he hadn’t crossed paths with Joy since their bumping into here. With no other classes to attend Aaron resolved to head into the Windspeakers sector and try to track Joy down.
As he headed out from the Tower and crossed the bridge into the Wind sector he noted immediately how different the sector was from his own. He marveled as he walked down the streets of marble, massive sculptures of great Magi seemed to adorn nearly every corner. The homes and businesses seemed less like separate structures and more like one long interconnected row. Perhaps most surprising of all was the pace of the sector. It seemed so much slower than the Tower of Fire sector. The crowds wandered through the streets, most of them with their nose in a book. Occasionally you would see an Initiate dart passed, no doubt rushing to a class or appointment.
As Aaron meandered through the streets he came into a large garden in the center of the sector. The entire area was covered in trees adorned with beautiful silver bark and white blossoms. The wind blowing through the branches caused the trees to seem as though they we alive and dancing. Each of the trees had a stone bench encircling the base and nearly every tree had a handful of beautiful ladies sitting underneath. As Aaron weaved through the garden he at last spotted Joy sitting and speaking with a large armor-clad Earth Former.
“Joy!” Aaron exclaimed as he walked towards her interrupting her conversation. Startled Joy did a double take in the direction of the voice. The Earth Former as well seemingly surprised turned to look and see who was calling out across the garden and as he turned Aaron realized Joy had found Jason.
Jason jumped to his feet with a big stupid grin on his face. “How’s it going peacock?” Jason poked. As Aaron drew closer he shot a friendly punch at Jason’s shoulder and realizing that punching armor may not have been the best idea, shaking the slight sting on his aching hand off. “That’s Firespinner to you!” Aaron shot back.
The three friends, finally reunited, sat down and shared their stories of their short time at the Tower and all that transpired. Aaron sat shocked listening to the tale of how Aaron had been able to join the Earth Clan. Joy and Aaron sat with looks of puzzled amazement as Aaron shared the story of his Initiation, appointment as Head. Joy shared he excitement to be part of a Clan that relished equality and wisdom above all else. When all was said and done the three friends simply sat silent, staring at the beauty of the garden around them and the backdrop of the might Magi Tower in the distance. So much had changed for the 3 in such a short period of time and yet here in the moment it felt almost as though they were at home. That so little had changed as again the friends were together again.
After a time, Aaron’s curiosity finally took hold of him as Iosgadh’s mention of ‘Omni’ echoed in the back of his mind. “So, what is this Omni business about then Jason?” Aaron blurted. Jason’s lips pursed as though to indicated he knew he was to be tight lipped. “What do you mean?” Jason attempted to feign ignorance at the unexpected inquiry. “Again, with this Omni infatuation Aaron, what is it about this fairytale that has you so riled up?” Joy scolded.
There was a pause as Jason thought through the events of the past couple of days. Clearly the Bastion had told him to focus on his position with Earth Clan for now, but these were his closest friends. Surely, he could trust them he thought. Joy scanned the two and at this point realized there was something more happening.
“Jason what is he talking about?” Joy probed.
Now with both of his friends seemingly peering into his soul he felt that he no other recourse then to divulge the full story of what had happened within the Bastion. “So, remember the long version of the story...” Jason muttered. Joy nodded her head and Aaron leaned in intently preparing to finally get a grasp on what exactly was going on. Jason recounted the story of the Scry and the Bastion’s decision that he should be admitted to a clan of his choosing while they gauged his role within the Tower.
“You aren’t kidding.” Joy chortled stunned at the tale that had been recounted to her. “You can actually wield all the elements?” she said.
“Not quite, I am just like you guys. I don’t have some innate ability to just wield all of the elements. I suppose in time I could learn but for now I can only wield Earth and barely at that.” Jason stood and took the position he had learned earlier in the day showing them what he was capable of, focusing as he had before he pictured a blossom from the trees around him and as he did, so he could feel a light brushing across the palm of his hand. As he opened his eyes again he held a beautiful blossom just as he had pictured it formed of earth and vines. “Not much but I am learning.”
Joy smiled at the two young men sitting across from her. “So, you are saying if you were to take lessons from the other clans you would be able to possibly learn to wield those elements as well. “she inquired. Jason did not like the look in her eyes, she was scheming something. “The archives here might have some details on the Omni, I will require of Eòlas where I might find the texts on the matter. Since this is such a rare opportunity I propose we take advantage of it.” Jason grew even more uneasy. “During the day you can continue your Earth Former classes but what if Aaron and I were to help you in the evening learn to wield Fire and Wind as well? Do you think you could learn?”
Jason honestly had no clue whether it was possible but knew that Gliocas had encouraged him to focus on his training with the Earth. “I…I am not sure.” Jason said reluctantly. Aaron remembered his task to stay close to Jason and keep an eye on what he was up to. This suggestion from Joy presented him not only an opportunity to stay close to him but also to watch how quickly he was progressing. “I think we should give it a shot.” Aaron announced. Joy and Jason both seem surprised, Aaron was not known for wanting to take on extra work at the best of times. “I for one still have a hard time accepting you can do it. I want to see it with my own eyes. It’s no small task to Firespin and very much doubt you are going to be able to do it, but at the very least I want to see if you can.
Jason felt trapped, even though they stood in an open garden and without walls he felt as though he was being boxed in. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try?” he said, more of a question than a statement of affirmation. With this Joy began planning out a schedule as to how they would begin their training of the young Omni and Jason just sat there dumbfounded nodding along like a puppet on a string.
Teine stood before the class, eyes firm, body strong. The Fire Clan Initiates now stood in their casting room. A massive courtyard of ebony stone. Charred scars graced the floors and walls, reminders of the hours of training Firespinners had spent training within its walls, the smell of soot and ash permanently burned into the stone itself. “Fire, A double edged sword. Those who can control it have a mighty weapon, but a single slip can leave even the most adept Spinner burned badly. While other Clans need not guard their Initiates as the begin their casting for the Fire Clan we must always use the utmost caution.”
Aaron stood at the front of the Initiates gathered behind him. The sigil mark on his forearm still seared with pain and resonated with the caution Teine had been given the class.
“Each of you must attend your casting classes in your Fire garb. This garb has been expertly crafted by the head of Earth Clan to protect you as you learn to manipulate the flame and guard the lives of you and your classmates from incident.” The class all were adorned in a charcoal black suit from head to toe and black lens visors guarding their vision. “In front of you are several Sparkstarters. These tools are strictly for beginner use and will only permitted for use in the first week of classes. All Firespinners learn to draw flame from their source and manipulate it at will. Until you have learned this connection however it proves easier to commune with the flame through a fire already burning.” As Teine spoke he demonstrated his ability to cast flame from the palm of his and extinguish it just as easily. “Take a moment and divide yourselves 4 to a starter. Aaron, you as head will select your group. Get to it.”
Aaron scanned the crowd, his relationship with his fellow Initiates was one of peculiar emotion. His title as Head Initiate demanded the respect of those around him however Iosgadh had made it quite clear that the position was not permanent, and he could very well find himself challenged and replaced at the first sign of weakness. As Aaron gazed at the faces staring his way he decided the only decision to make was to pull strength around himself and hope to survive. Aaron thought to the air and demeanor of his father back home when he spoke in authority and decided to take a similar tone. “Iosgadh said these lessons were meant to refine us. Iron sharpens iron so only the strongest should train with the Head Initiate. Saighdear, Aodach and Eibhinn will be my training partners.”
No sooner had the words left his mouth then looks of surprise shot from the class of Initiates most of all the 3 whose names had been announced. Teine nodded with approval “Excellent. Exactly as it should be.” he said. The rest of the Initiates grouped around their starters and the head group took their place at the starter toward the head of the courtyard.
“Silence.” Teine said. “Light your Sparks!” Within an instant dozens of pits lit with flame and the glow of the fires caused the room to take on an eerie shine. “Reach out your hands and place them above the flame. Feel the warmth of the fire resonate through your body.” Aaron gazed at his group and led by example, forcing a strong fist out over the fire as a show of strength. “Soak in the heat from the flame and concentrate it into your hand.” Teine continued. As Aaron made the effort to focus he found he could merely feel the heat but had no sense of how to move the heat into his hand and create it. He gazed around and found none had been able to conjure the flame into their hands. This was proving far more difficult then he first imagined. He thought back to Iosgadh and how the powerful Magi had been swift in his casting over the Initiate battle.
“Follow my lead Aaron told his group.” Seemingly breaking the other’s concentration, they watch him as he shifted his pose. He took a calm stance and swiftly opened his hand waved it into an upward stroke, to the surprise of those around him…and partially himself, the flames rose from the starter into the palm of his hand.
“I’ll be damned!” Aodach exclaimed. The rest of Aaron’s part followed his lead and within moments the quartet were standing in unison holding orbs of intense heat in the palm of their hands. The other groups looked to their leader and mimicked his actions. After only a few minutes every Initiate stood proudly holding a flame of their own for the instructor to see.
Teine gazed on the group with pride. “A powerful display Initiates! The fastest I have ever seen a group grasp the subtlety of the flame…faster even then Iosgadh’s or my own.” At this last comment Aaron started to smile a boyish grin. “Since you have accomplished this so quickly we will move on to the next lesson. You have managed to call the flame, but will it obey your command?” Aaron looked to the flame and pondered the question before him. “As a group I want you to start to pass your flames from one to another in a circle, create a ring of fire. This will require not only great concentration but focus as well.”
Aaron’s group nodded as thought to tell his group ‘let’s do this!’. Eibhinn whispered “Okay Head, show us how it’s done!” Aaron again thought back to how his leader had controlled his movements in swift precise movements. Aaron flicked his wrist hoping to pass his orb over to Eibhinn. Immediately Aaron’s orb shot like a meteor past Eibhinn’s ear singing her hair as it passed and struck another Initiate standing behind her in the back, knocking him to the ground. “You absolutely idiot! You nearly killed me.” She exclaimed grasping the ashy hair on the side of her head.
Teine smirked from on high “Remember, each Spinner must find his own way to control the flame it is not enough to mimic those around you, you must build a relationship between you and the fire or it will consume you.”
Eibhinn relit her flame from the Spark and this time it was not Aaron but Saighdear who made the first move. The Shieldbearer shifted his hand into a seemingly familiar pose. He proceeded to make a circular motion with his hand and after a moment had managed to move his flame to his left and had it rotating around Eibhinn’s in a circle. “How is this done?” Aodach inquired. “My shield,” Saighdear said “I merely pictured the flame as my shield. As soon as I had that sensation I was able to feel a connection with the orb after that it was though I could control it at whim.” Immediately Eibhinn’s flame sprang forth and stopped right next to Aaron’s face singing his left eyebrow from existence. She giggled an approving laugh.
“I suppose this makes us even” she said. Aaron still shocked at what seemed his imminent death smiled back at her. “I suppose it does.” He said sheepishly. Now that the group had begun to get a feel for the mechanic of the flame Aodach, Saighdear and Eibhinn were controlling their flame by their every whim. Aaron was the only one still having issue. While he had used a spear in the battle the night prior he was not a fighter by any stretch of the imagination, he had spent more time partying and playing in his privileged lifestyle back home then training or learning.
“Too much for you Head?” Aodach shot at him. Aaron realized he could not now show weakness in front of his greatest competitors. He puzzled for a moment and suddenly realized it was not the experience of the weapons that was allowing his fellows to manipulate their orbs it was their familiarity with that sensation. Aaron though hard… what was he familiar with. All he had known back home was parties and celebrations, then it dawned on him. In a moment, Aaron had taken the stance of a dance that had been one of his favorites back home. He imagined the flame to be the hand of a young lady and gracefully attempted to pass the flame to Eibhinn. It worked! The group now had an odd appearance as the 3 warriors each was controlling their flames in a variety of thrusts, swings and twists of their hands…perhaps the oddest of all was Aaron fluttering his hand almost whimsically. The appearance didn’t matter within several minutes the group had succeeded and not only had they managed to create a ring of Fire they were manipulating its movement as a group.
“Enough.” Teine called out. As their concentration broke the flames disappeared from sight. No other group had an air of accomplishment, so Aaron assumed again his had been the first to master the skill. “This class is over Initiates; however, this practice hall is always open to you. Be cautious in your use of it and ensure to always wear the garb. Dismissed.” As the class dispersed at the end of their first lesson Aaron’s group was still standing over their Sparkstarter grinning lack a pack of hyenas. “You make quite a team.” Teine whispered as he walked past them. Aaron considered the eyes of those around him and announced. “We do indeed.” The other three nodded their approval and then went their separate ways. <
No sooner had Jason left the Amphitheater then Joy grabbed him by the collar. “Where have you been?!?!” She exclaimed. “What happened? Are you okay? Talk!” The shocked look on Jason’s face stopped her tirade. “Sorry,” she said. “You just had me worried is all.”
“Good to see you too” Jason said with a boyish grin on his face. He had to admit he had missed Joy’s little scoldings. “It’s quite the story. Do you want the long version or the short version?” Joy realized they weren’t going to have much time, she had to get to her next class and there was no way she was going to be late to classes pm the first day.
“Give me the short version. For now.” She replied.
“Well Teine took me to see the Bastion and they had me do another test. I don’t know how much I should say but it was all serious. At the end of it the Earth Clan is where I was initiated to and here we are.”
Joy stared at him with a blank gaze. Clearly there was so much being left out of this story but for now she was just happy to see he was okay. “I guess it makes sense you would be an Earth Former, you always had a hard head.” Joy said.
The two shared a quick laugh before Joy realized there was no time to sit around chatting. “I have to get to my next class, but we should talk more. Aaron managed to get Initiated into the Fire Clan somehow so the three of us are all in the Academy. Let’s try to meet up tonight so we can talk more.”
Jason nodded. “Sounds like a plan Joy. Its good seeing you.” At that Joy turned and made her way to the stairs rushing off to her next class. Jason finally felt at home, maybe this won’t be so bad after all. Jason realized he had a class to get to as well and headed off to find his next lesson.
“Welcome Earth Formers, my name is Uir. I will be your Forming instructor for your first year at the Academy. While most of the classes here are interclan your initial Magi training will be element specific. Each of you will learn the basics of forming in this class. You will learn how to wield and manipulate Earth magic in order fulfill your role within the Tower and for the greater good of Eledor. At the end of the first year you will no longer be Initiates within the Tower and depending on your skill you will be assigned a role within the Clan. Are there any questions before we begin.”
Jason was no longer stressing about his time at the Academy. His meeting with Joy had helped him to relax and calm down and he finally realized he was right in the place he had always wanted to be. So many ideas were rushing through his head he was having a hard time focusing.
“Very well, let’s begin.” Uir interrupted Jason’s daydreaming. “Each Element is unique in its casting. Who here has already witnessed casting being performed.” Most of the hands in the room shot up. Jason thought back to his meetings with Eòlas and his time with the Bastion. He witnessed casting but only now realized that there were subtle differences to how they were performed. “Each Element will have a different style. The Windspeakers are graceful, Firespinners swift. We Formers draw our power directly from the ground of Eledor.” Uir stomped down to the ground and was immediately lifted from the ground onto a pedestal of rock. “We pull our powers from the plants and minerals. We can control the world around us.” His fists clenched forcefully, and vines shot from the pedestal weaving around one another as though living serpents of wood. As he shifted his fists the vines would contort and shift until at last Uir had crafted an ornate chair behind himself. He sat, seemingly enjoying the gazes of amazement in front of him. “The first step that you will take in your forming is to connect with your source. Each of you head to the table on your right.”
As Jason approached the table he saw what looked like simple gloves. Each pupil grabbed a glove and placed it on their hand. Surprisingly the glove was cool and grainy to the touch. The class resumed their places in the courtyard.
“For experienced Formers these tools are unnecessary however until you are familiar with connecting to your source these gloves will help you in your casting. Now do exactly as I do.”
Uir took a rigid stance, his hand outstretched and palm facing downward. The class mimicked his pose to the best of their ability. “Close your eyes Initiates. All Formers draw from the Earth, you must learn to make a connection to it. Meditate on the Earth beneath you, feel the soil beneath your feet. Smell the scents of nature around you. Realize you are not separate from nature but a part of it. Concentrate.”
Jason took the pose and started to try and sense the Earth. He had often paused when tending the forge with his father and done something similar. Feeling the heat of the fire, smelling the scent of heated metals, listening to the loud clang of the hammer striking metal. Now though this was different, the place was brilliant even with his eyes closed. The sun shone brilliantly, and a cool refreshing breeze was blowing through the trees. Jason could hear the rustling of the breeze. As much as the scene was breathtaking something was off, Jason couldn’t feel any connection.
“Each Former will connect in his own way. This initial form is simply the most common way for Initiates to begin. As you become more adept at tapping into the source you will be able to move and cast without form or assistance.” Uir again began to cast but this time his rigid movements appeared more as a free-flowing dance of sorts. The Earth began to rise around him and shift into an orb which seemed to pulse and breath as though alive.
Jason could see the look on his instructor’s face and knew there was something he was missing. Uir seemed to be a part of what was happening in the display in front of him. He wasn’t as much controlling it as participating in it. Jason concentrated again. He tried to feel the Earth beneath his feet and realized he couldn’t. The Earth Formers uniform came complete with a pair of thick boots best suited for battle or working in a machine shop. They were so rigid all Jason could feel was the thick sole of the massive shoes. Uir seem so focused on his casting that some of the students had begun to quit. Some were still holding strong in the rigid pose but none of them had accomplished anything.
Enough, this wasn’t working. Jason was not going to feel anything this way. He started to take of his armor. His boots and coat fell to the ground, a shiver ran down his spine as the breeze ran up his back. Jason dug his feet into the Earth and felt the soil between his toes. He reached down and grabbed a handful of dirt and sifted the grain in his hands. Again, he took the rigid pose Uir had shown them, closed his eyes and stretched out his hands. He remembered the feeling of reaching his hand out and touching the Scry in his meeting in the Bastion. His hand felt heavy as though it were holding a weight. He closed his hand as though grasping a hammer in the forge at home. All off sudden he heard the rustling of footsteps around him. He tried not to lose focus. He continued to focus on the thought of the hammer from home and pictured it, shape and size. As the picture became clearer the sound of footsteps finally stopped. Uir broke the silence “Excellent.” Jason opened his eyes and in his hand, he held a hammer formed of Earth and vines akin to the one he used to wield at home, he had done it.
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Shadow Clan
Jason awoke from a restless sleep. He gazed out the massive handcrafted window at the foot of his bed. The Earth Clan prided itself on it craftmanship and it showed in the minute details in every aspect of the room. Etching and engravings adorned nearly every surface. Every chair, table, bench was flawlessly crafted and a piece of art to behold. The bed Jason had been tossing and turning on in any other kingdom would have been fit for a king. As he gazed out from his window all he could seem to focus on was the tip of the Bastion and recalling the events of the day before. He was an Initiate but also an Omni. What in the world would come next?
As though responding to his inquiry Rabhadh burst into the room “Top o’ tha mornin’ to ya boy’o”. He seemed much less tense and serious then he had the day before “Ya look like ya din’t git a wink o’ sleep m’boy”. Jason nodded groggily to that affect. “’Fore you head t’the ‘Cademy today I need to speak wit ya”. Jason turned his gaze from the Tower to Rabhadh as though to show he had his undivided attention. “S’about this Omni business. Fer now ya be an Earth Former. There’s much ya have t’learn in your time at the Academy and who knows what Gliocas has planned fer ya down the road. Fer now just learn as much as ya can ‘bout the Earth Formin’ an’ we can build from there.”
Jason still hadn’t wrapped his head around this Omni thing. Up until a few days ago he was just a simple blacksmith from a small rural village. Now he had been carted away to the Bastion for trial and survived. At this point if a Magi like Rabhadh from the council told him to shut up and keep his head down he was for damn sure going to make that happen.
“Grrreat!” Rabhadh exclaimed. “Now, let’s git ya to the Tower for yer first day, ’Cademy frowns on tardiness y’know.”
As they approached the base of the Tower the students once again were shuffling through the entrances for their respective clans. Jason again tried to look around for Aaron and Joy but to no avail, there was simply too many people there. As the Earth Former Initiates all sat inside the inner hall Jason heard roll call being read. It seemed that the Academy had already assigned the students to their first classes. Jason hoped that he would cross paths with Joy and Aaron at some point just to let them know he was okay!
“Jason Altear” bellowed the administrator from the front of the hall. Jason hurriedly pushed his way forward. “Here.” He cried out. “Altear you will be starting your lessons in the History of Eledor class by request of Gliocas. Make your way to the 10th floor of the Tower and don’t delay the class is due to start any minute.” Without a pause the administrator continued down his list of names and assignments. Jason was determined not to be late to his first class bolted up the staircase in front of him.
Joy was so excited for her first day at the Academy. Not only did she get to pick her class assignment she lucked out in having Eòlas as her instructor. She had always been a nut for knowledge so the practical classes held very little interest for her. She had a passion to know everything there was to know about the Tower and the Eòlas had suggested History of Eledor as an essential class to achieve that goal. The only downside is she was positive that she would not cross paths with Aaron in a class like this. Academics were hardly his strong suit.
The class much like Windspeakers main hall was an amphitheater and seated hundreds of students. Today however, the class was comprised entirely of Initiates and there were only maybe 20 of them gathered for the class. Eòlas had taken her place in front of the students and was pacing back and forth furiously mumbling to herself. Apparently, Eòlas was a stickler for details as Joy could overhear her reviewing the facts of the days lesson under her breath.
“Very well” Eòlas announced. “Let us begin! Who can tell me why we are here?” a pondering gaze shot out across the students. “Come now, no time to sit there pondering why are we here?” Her voice seemingly more agitated. A small Lightbringer boy from the back of the class cautiously raised his hand. “Out with it, no time for hands boy…speak” Eòlas said.
“T-t-to learn about the past.” he squeaked.
A slow clap emanated from the front of the class. “Thank you ever so for declaring the very obvious and wrong answer of what you will be learning, I inquire as to why we were here to learn it.” Eòlas shot back.
Joy spoke out “To better prepared to face the challenges of the future we need to have a grasp of the mistakes and successes of the past.”
Eòlas smirked proudly. “Very good Windspeaker Joy. She is right. We take the time here not to simply learn the history of Eledor for the sake of sheer amusement. Knowledge is only valuable when applied for the greater good.”
The class began to jot notes furiously as Eòlas continued to teach the lesson it seemed there would be little time for hand cramps in this class as the facts poured out of the instructor and it appears the only pause would be at her discretion and not our convenience. Suddenly the doors to the room burst open taking the entire class by surprise.
“My apologies for being late” Jason blurted out.
It took everything in Joy’s power not to burst out in laughter from excitement at the sight of her friend. Composing herself her sense of Joy was suddenly washed away by a sense of concern for the safety of her friend from interrupting Eòlas mid lesson.
“Sit down Initiate and do not dare interrupt me again, am I clear?” Eòlas scolded.
Sheepishly Jason made his way down the stairs of the Amphitheatre until he saw Joy. ‘Finally!’ He thought. He scurried to sit down next to her and Eòlas resumed the lesson. Jason quickly grabbed the quill from the table in front of him and began to put up the front he was at the very least attempting to fit in and take competent notes with the rest of the class.
“How many clans of Magi exist?” questioned Eòlas.
Jason without hesitation blurted out “5!”. Pleased with himself that he could contribute to the class in some way he leaned back into the bench only to be immediately followed by Joy in response.
“6.” Joy stated calmly. Jason tried to melt into the bench.
“Correct again! Eòlas stated. “While the Earth Former is familiar with the 5 Clans that guard Eledor there are in fact 6 Magi Clans in existence.” Some of the class nodded obviously aware of the fact while others like Jason sat puzzled and confused. “For centuries the Bastion has existed as a collaborative effort of the Clans to protect the nation of Eledor from the evil of this world. It was not always thus. When Eledor was still young the 6 clans were warring clans squabbling over their territories and refusing to work in kind with any outside clans. This was until the coming of the Void.” Jason perked up, this tale was one of his favorite. A story all knew of the great battle to overcome the dark forces. “The Void were a dark and pestilent force, destruction was all they knew. Empty of feeling or emotion the spread across Eledor seemingly invincible to any one Clan’s efforts to repel their invasion. The arrived without warning and quickly their forces decimated most of the land.”
Jason again allowed his mouth to move faster than his common sense and blurted out “We all know this story, what about that 6th Clan?”
Eòlas paused for only a moment then wistfully waved her hand floating Jason right out of his seat and to within inches of her face. “Interrupt me again young one with such utter foolishness and you will sit out the remainder of the class upside down on the ceiling! Have I made myself clear?” Jason nodded furiously still in utter disbelief at what he had just done.
“As I was saying,” Eòlas resumed her lesson “too late the Clans learned that the 6th clan had broken every taboo known to the Magi and hand begun to summon demonic forces from the Void. While there had always existed a fragile balance in the battle between the clans the new demonic forces empowered the Shadow Clan and nearly drove Eledor into eternal darkness. It was only in the most desperate moment, when all seemed lost that the first Bastion was formed, the Clans united and the Shadow Clan and their Void army were driven from the lands of Eledor.”
A loud horn echoed through the window. The class had come to an end. Eòlas lowered the Jason to the floor and whispered “Words are not without repercussion young one. You must think carefully before you speak, I am forgiving the other Magi Instructors may not be so merciful.” With that Jason turned to make a swift exit from the class. Having survived his first lesson Jason was finally exhaled and as he left the class immediately began to search for Joy, they had much to discuss.
The day had been a whirlwind for the selected. From entering as a grand procession into heart of the capital to the massive sorting into their respective clans. For Aaron and Jason, the day had the added pressure of their meetings with the Magi of the Bastion. At last though the day was coming to an end and all the selected had now gathered at the base of the Tower to undergo the official Initiation as a Magi of Eledor. Each Clan now stood united in their uniforms awaiting the Archmage’s arrival.
Joy had been scanning the crowds in the hope of catching a glance of Jason, who she hadn’t seen since Teine had carted him away to the Bastion earlier in the day. She wasn’t even sure whether or not he would be here or what had come of him, but she continued to scan regardless.
Gliocas at long last approached the podium overlooking the gathering. “This Tower has stood for thousands of years as a symbol to the world of the power of Eledor. All of you gathered here today are now a part of this legacy. While each of you will find a different role in serving Eledor as Magi we are united by this symbol. The Clans assembled here represent all that is right and good in Eledor and from this day forward it will be your duty to represent your clan to the best of your ability. Enjoy tonight’s festivities as tomorrow your training will begin. Dismissed” As the Archmage finished his short address each of the Clans began to disperse into their individual sectors of the city to begin celebrating with their new alliances.
Jason had been properly fitted with the armor of an Earth Forger. His chest piece proudly displaying the sigil of Earth for all to see. Since his trial with the Bastion he had not been outside of arms reach from Rabhadh a measure for his own safety he was told. For the moment however, he could breathe a sigh of relief. Jason scanned the crowds hoping to catch a glimpse of his friends but there were far too many people gathered for him to have any luck. As the Earth Clan began their march to their sector Jason couldn’t help but feel a tinge of excitement. He had made it, he was now a Magi of the Tower. Even if he was just an initiate.
“Whelp c’mere” bellowed Rabhadh. “S’time we spoke you and I.” After the day Jason had been having this was the last thing he wanted, he was hoping to simply celebrate as the rest. “We got off t’a rough start young’un but I gotta know why in the world ya wanna be an Earth Forger. We aint gonna coddle ya!”
Jason paused for a moment. He knew Rabhadh was right of course. The Earth Clan was well known for being extremely hard on its initiates. At first Jason had been almost too frightened to consider the concept of joining them opting for a softer clan like Light or Wind. But, as he thought of home and the times he felt most in his element it was always working the forge. Crafting and creating something from nothing had long been his greatest passion and now he would continue to pursue that passion as a Magi. “To be honest, I am from a family of smiths. For as long as I can remember I have been creating. If I the choice was mine I wanted to continue to create and craft as a Magi.”
Rabhadh just stared at him blankly at first, then in a booming explosion he burst out laughing. “M’boy I think you might just be the craziest young’un I have ever met, I like that.” The rest of the walk there was silence between them and upon their arrival in the Earth sector a night of revelry between the new Initiates and the rest of the clan.
As Aaron left the square he hobbled more then marched with his Clan. The beating from earlier had managed to take a greater toll then he realized, and he couldn’t wait to get to a bed and get some rest. Fire Clan however had other plans. As they arrived in the Fire Sector of Neart the Initiates were greeted by their seniors.
Iosgadh was sitting in a make shift throne above the Clan looking down from on high. “Greetings Initiates. I welcome you to Fire Clan. Rest assured your time here will not be time of games and revelry but a time of refining. Just as metal is purified by the flame so too will we refine you in the days and years to come.” The tone of celebration had now all but left the new Initiates. “In all the Clans Initiates are molded differently and here in Fire Clan we prefer to mold by action.”
As Iosgadh spoke Clan seniors started to bring out racks of padding and weapons. “In your time here, you may ascend the ranks of Fire Clan to roles of great responsibility and esteem. These roles are not awarded for time served but rather Firespinners are ranked by our strength. Some of you have already experienced growth by strength.” He glared directly at Aaron. “Within the Fire Clan there are 4 ranks, those of you standing here are currently Initiates. As you rise in the ranks you will progress from Initiate to Spark, from Spark to Flame, from Flame to Blaze. The final rank is the Bastion seat and to gain this rank you must take it from me by force. I have held this seat for the past 30 years unchallenged I invite any and all of you to strive to take it. To constantly be on guard and growing stronger is how the Fire Clan has been able to guard the capital for so long, so effectively.” The tone had gone from quiet to tense as Iosgadh continue to speak. The Initiates began to grow uneasy from the glares of their seniors. “Within each rank the Fire Clan appoints a head. This position like any other is held by strength. As Initiates none of you has yet had training in how to wield your skills as a Magi however a leader must be selected. We have provided for you tonight Magi weapons. These weapons have been crafted so that they will stun and not kill. Initiates will battle until only one stands. He or she will be your head initiate heading into to tomorrow. Good luck…. begin!”
At this the racks of weapon and armor were tipped to the ground and scattered across the square. Some Initiates froze in thought at what had just happened, others sprung immediately into action seizing a familiar weapon and preparing to battle for the title of Head Initiate. Aaron still nursing his wounds realized immediately that the only hope he had of surviving this was to rely on his wits rather than his muscle.
While the other initiates clamored into the pile of armaments Aaron faded into the crowds of his seniors. He watched from a distance as one after another the initiates fell. There were clearly some combatants all too familiar with the fray. A larger brute had managed to get his hands on a mighty war hammer and was clearing a massive pathway through the crowds in front of him. Off in another section a young woman with a rapier was adeptly dodging and weaving from one opponent striking them down with seemingly no effort. Perhaps the most impressive though was a young man no bigger than Aaron who had grabbed a simple round shield. This young man not only was agile enough to use the shield as a great protection, but he was impressively using the shield to concuss each foe to the face.
As time passed Aaron watched these 3 slowly eliminate the competition around them all the while evaluating their fighting styles and watching for gaps and weaknesses. It had become clear that the battle was taking its toll on the fighters as they grew more and more fatigued. At last the 3 were the last standing in the hall. Aaron continued to creep through the crowds until at lost he saw what he had been looking for…a long spear!
The 3 circled one another looking to catch their breath. None of them were too quick to make the first move and leave an opening. At last the Warhammer raised his attack high overhead in massive CRACK the hammer came pummeling down onto the Shieldbearer. The fatigue proved too much for the Shieldbearer and the blow forced him to his knees. No sooner had he touch the ground that he felt the sting of a rapier in his side. He fell to the ground defeated. Now the Rapier and Warhammer stood glaring at each other. The girl while exhausted had still managed to keep a coy smile plastered on her face. She taunted the Warhammer “That all you got big boy?”. The big oaf fell for it and rushed at her in an immense rage. For a behemoth he was surprisingly swift and managed to plow into the Rapier full force with his shoulder. The girl managed at the last moment to spin and escape some of the damage, but the force still forced her backwards falling into one of the piles of armor still on the ground. Disoriented the Warhammer wasted no time and again pushed the attack. Leaping airborne he now wielded the massive hammer more like a spear thrusting the weapon down onto the young woman. There was no hope. She was immediately knocked unconscious.
Aaron seeing the moment he had waited for wasted no time. As the massive hulk let down his guard thinking himself the victor Aaron crept from the crowd to the final opponent’s blind spot and with a single lunging strike felled the giant and knocked him unconscious to the ground. A massive explosion of fireworks exploded into the sky and a thunderous cheer exploded from the Fire Clan. The head initiate had been chosen.
Iosgadh rose from his seat and motioned for the throng to calm themselves. He began making swift hand gestures over the square and all those who had been defeated started to shake off their wounds. “The last 4 combatants step forward.” Aaron and the rest approached the throne. “Aodach, your strength was impressive, and you will be a powerful ally to those around you in battle. Your weakness was not in your massive strength but in your mind, you lack strategy and composure.” The hulking brute nodded in acknowledgement while glaring fiercely at Aaron. “Saighdear” Iosgadh continued “you were adept at defense but relied too heavily on facing the conflict head on. At times you must realize a retreat can be as strong as a defense as a direct confrontation.” The Shieldbearer nodded solemnly. “Eibhinn, your sword was swift and process, your tongue was loose and foolish. Be careful how you use all the weapons at your disposal. Challenging an opponent with your tongue may prove disastrous.” The young woman made no sign of awareness except a blush that immediately consumed her face in scarlet red. “Last but not least a late addition to our initiates, Aaron.” Aaron took a step forward from the rest. “You have neither the strength, cunning or bravery of these three.” Aaron’s proud stance immediately had some air taken out of it as he heard the crowd behind him chuckling. “However, here you stand the victor above the rest. A leader is often not just the one capable of making the final blow but knowing where and when to do so. Your ability to devise a strategy and know your own weaknesses is what gave you the victory this day. Approach the throne.” As Aaron ascended the stairs to Iosgadh he was unsure what came next. As he arrived at in front of the head of the Fire Clan he found an outstretched hand awaiting him. “Congratulations” Aaron reached out his hand and grasped the leader’s wrist. Immediately a searing pain could be felt on his arm and as Iosgadh pulled away the symbol of the Fire Clan had been singed into his forearm. “This mark you bear is a reminder that pain, and trial is what has put you hear. Never forget it.”
Iosgadh turned back to the entire clan. “The Initiation has come to end. Welcome Initiates your testing has only begun.”
As he spoke his last words he disappeared in a ball of flame into the Tower leaving the crowd to themselves. Aaron turned to face those he had just vanquished and saw many gazes of anger, jealousy and spite. It was only then he realized…this is going to be tougher then he imagined.
The laughter and happiness that emanated from the Windspeakers forum was a huge comfort to Joy. Joy loved the beautiful pantheon the Wind Clan had built for gatherings such as this. As Joy scanned the Clan she quickly came to realize something that had for one reason or another had escaped her, the Wind Clan did not have a single man in the masses. Maybe it’s that thoughts of Aaron and Jason had occupied so much of her day that she hadn’t realized the company she was in. As she surveyed the crowds of beautiful women adorned in the Windspeakers garb she yearned for a familiar face.
Her wandering thoughts were cut short however as Eòlas and another woman drifted to the floor of the pantheon. The woman with Eòlas had an air of authority and grace. She made Eòlas seem almost frail in comparison, no small feat. “Greetings Initiates. It is my most sincere pleasure to welcome you to the Wind Clan.” The crowds clapped and cheered. “This sisterhood has stood for centuries as the voice of wisdom among the clans and we continue to uphold this tradition through you today. I am Rionnag, the head of the Wind Clan. While the other Clans thrive on competition and ranking each in their own ways I am here to inform you that is not the case here. Regardless of your time here your ideas will be heard and considered. Always trust the wisdom of your sisters, never fear speaking truth.”
A shiver of pure excitement shot up Joy’s spine. A community devoted to sober thought and free speech.... ‘maybe this is why there are no men in the Clan’ she mused to herself and chuckled.
“For this evening rest and relax. Enjoy the new friendships that lay ahead of you. Together we will continue to work for the good of Eledor with wisdom and patience.”
As soon as she had appeared she was gone. She shot off like an arrow towards the Tower and was soon out of sight. Eòlas now took the lead. “Before you depart” she said, “are there any questions?” Rumblings began amongst the ladies. For the most part the Initiates seemed to be having the same problem as Joy. They had so many questions they weren’t sure where to start. Suddenly, an elegant sounding voice echoed from the upper rows of the pantheon. “If I may ask miss, where are the male counterparts of the Clan” Sounds of affirmation and nodding rippled through the crowds.
Eòlas waited for the clamor to calm “Currently in the Wind Clan there are no male counterparts. There has not been a male Windspeaker for over 300 years. We do not make the choice of how the elements align themselves, but the Wind element tends to be one of grace and wisdom and for one reason or another the male Magi attune more towards the other Clans of the Tower.” More murmuring and some giggles. “We are however not opposed to male Windspeakers and should the opportunity for one to join our ranks arise we would welcome him just as we welcome any of you here today. Your days will not be void of men as your classes at the Academy will have you join the other Clans when appropriate.” This brought Joy some relief. Hopefully she would cross paths with Aaron and find out if he knew what had become of Jason. Eòlas continued “For now as there seems to be no other questions that require an immediate answer I would encourage you all to get some rest. Your classes at the Academy will begin tomorrow and you must be prepared to show your very best. ‘Tomorrow’ Joy thought to herself, ‘Tomorrow I will get some answers.’ And with that the crowd dispersed and Joy headed to the dorms.
Aaron entered the office of the head Fire Magi, losgadh. His father back home had a long history with the current head of the Fire Clan and upon his son’s failing of the Trial had made an official request for an appeal.
“So, Arus tells me that you have the potential to be a strong Fire caster. What do you have to say on the matter?”
Aaron was told exactly what to say in order to meet favor in this meeting. “I am not knowledgeable enough to discern, sir. I have come to submit myself to the wisdom of the great Fire Clan in the hopes of meeting favor.”
Iosgadh smiled. This boy had been trained well to play the game perhaps there was potential here. “I understand. Young one place your hand on the sigil.”
Sitting in front of Aaron was a testing symbol similar to the one used in the testing. Aaron reached out his hand and just as before nothing happened. Iosgadh was not amused. “Not so much as a spark. Take a moment boy and think. Concentrate on the fire within you. Focus all your passion your hopes into the sigil.” Aaron sensing the urgency in the Magi’s tone reached out his hand once again and focused intensely on the sigil.
At first it seemed that there was again going to be no result to the testing when suddenly Iosgadh reached out and struck Aaron in the stomach. Aaron buckled over in pain, his lungs grasping for air. Iosgadh showed no mercy. “Again.”
Aaron regained his feet and again reached out for the sigil…. still nothing. Repeatedly Iosgadh repaid Aaron’s inability with beatings. For hours Aaron sustained the thrashing of the Fire Clan’s leader. Never a change to the sigil. At last Iosgadh exclaimed “You are utterly useless. Perhaps a life of servitude is more in your future then a life of a Magi. Get out of my sight you peasant scum”
At this Aaron’s eyes lit up. A fierce anger had consumed him he lashed out at Iosgadh with all his rage. In a flash Iosgadh had cast a spell and the sigil came between them. This time however the sigil did not float dead and lifeless between them but as Aaron struck it the sigil burst into flame. Aaron felt, and overwhelming burning sensation shoot up his arm into his chest. The fire felt as though it was going to spread through him and cause him to explode when finally, Iosgadh reached out and touched his shoulder, the flame subsided.
“Understand young one, your power is puny. A joke at best! Had you been any other man’s son I would have cast you out of this tower long ago. Your father assured me that there was a spark inside you and until this moment I had not seen it. Remember your rage, remember your desire to be a Magi of power and you may have a chance to survive as an initiate. There will be no pampering here. You will only gain strength through pain and suffering. Be prepared, steel yourself. The Fire Clan does not look kindly on the weak.”
Aaron’s head was still spinning from the pain of the beatings he had received. The rush of the flame shooting through his body had left him exhausted and hearing the words of caution from head of the Clan he finally found his resolve.
“I understand. I will not back down.” Aaron replied.
“Very well” said Iosgadh. “Now I understand that you are familiar with the selected named Jason from your village, what can you tell about him?”
Aaron felt puzzled. Why would Iosgadh show any interest in a prisoner of the Bastion. Surely Jason hadn’t gone and done something stupid to put himself in jeopardy. If he knew what was good for him he would keep his mouth shut and hopefully the Tower would let him return home in one piece.
“I barely know him sir. He was from my village, but he was a simple villager. His father was the town smith. Beyond that I don’t know much.” Aaron had already incurred enough of Iosgadh’s wrath today he need not stoke that flame by associating himself with Jason right now.
“Interesting” Iosgadh replied. “Eòlas tells me that her new Windspeaker and you were close friends with the Omni.”
Omni? What in the world was an Omni? What had Jason done? “No sir, not friends more so acquaintances. Is Jason in trouble?”
Iosgadh scanned the young man seemingly looking to gauge how much he knew. The gaze was fiery and intimidating and Aaron felt as though it would burn him up. “Very well. Regardless, Fire Clan has taken a great interest in your young…” acquaintance” and your first task as an initiate will be to keep a close eye on this Omni. You are to report all his actions to me are we clear?
Aaron paused only a moment before responding “Understood sir. May I go?” Iosgadh waved him from the room. Aaron didn’t know what was going on but whatever this Omni thing was it was clearly important. There was only one person he knew that might have some answers, time to pay a visit to the Windspeakers.
Aaron found Joy on the Wind Clan’s floor of the Tower. She had changed out of the village clothing she used to wear and was now adorned in the Wind Clan’s initiate garb. A long flowing white gown that seemed so light it would lift her away with a breeze. If he hadn’t known her so well she might even have come across as beautiful, but that was a big if.
“Aaron over here!” Joy cried out. Joy had been overwhelmed with the rush of the day. Meeting her clan head had been an exhilarating experience and the thought of the journey she was about to embark on was overwhelming. She had been so caught up she had all but forgotten about Aaron and Jason, until she saw Aaron enter the Wind Clan bloody and bruised.
“What happened to you? You can’t have gotten into that much trouble already!” she couldn’t believe the sorry state that Aaron was in.
“Let’s just say the appeal process in the Fire Clan can be…pretty hands on.” Aaron was doing his best to keep himself standing up right. He had to figure out this “Omni” mess with Jason as quickly as possible. “It all worked out in the end though, you are looking at the newest Initiate of the Fire Clan.”
Joy rolled her eyes “Did your Dad buy you that too?” She never had much patience for the wealthy getting by on their influence where others had to rely on their skills. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be getting ready for the Initiation ceremony?”
Aaron shrugged off her jab and got straight to the point “I need your help Joy, have you ever heard of an Omni.”
“An Omni…I thought you were a little too old for fairy tales Aaron. An omni is myth, a wizard that isn’t attuned to a single element but has control over them all. Even the Archmage of Bastion can only control a single element.”
Aaron was more confused than ever. Why would Iosgadh have called Jason an Omni? Jason barely got the sigils to work on his Trial. What in the world was going on here. “Thanks anyway Joy! I better get out of here and get ready before the ceremony or I may end up in even worse shape.”
Joy watched as Aaron scurried off and she was left standing there pondering what in the world that was about. Something wasn’t right with Aaron and even worse there had been no word from Jason. She had a feeling something strange was going on and she was going to get to the bottom of it.
and pensive t��6ײ
The Bastion
While the glory of the capital had been breathtaking the Hall of the Bastion was for lack of a better word plain. 6 chairs sat along the back wall, the only furniture in the room, each marked with a sigil of their respective element and one marked with the symbol of the Bastion; the chair of the Archmage. A single glowing orb floated in front of the chairs with an eerie low hum. The room was brightly lit but there were no windows and the source of the light escaped Jason.
At first Jason was unsure as to what he should expect when facing the Bastion and yet now as he stood here he was certain that the Magi gathered here were completely in control of his fate and he dare not move, dare not speak a word…just as Teine had suggested.
Gliocas was the first to break the silence. “A rare incident indeed.” Teine shoved Jason forward. “A young one that so troubles our steadfast Eòlas that an immediate jury of the Bastion is required.”
Teine stepped forward “He is trouble Gliocas. He should be detained and held by the fire clan indefinitely, he is a danger to not only himself but all those around him.”
Gliocas coughed seemingly surprised by the outburst. “Even more interesting, a young one capable of raising the shackles of even the mighty Fire clan.” Teine stepped back in an apologetic manner. “The Bastion appreciates your concern for the matter Teine. You are however no longer needed I would speak with this young one in private.”
“As you wish.” Teine turned and departed as quickly as he had first arrived.
Gliocas seemed to peer into Jason’s very soul as he leaned in and inquired, “Now then young one, your name?”
“J-J-Jason” Jason replied. Stammering as best as he could through the simple response.
“Well J-J-Jason quite a conundrum you have place before this Bastion. Never in my life have I come across a young one capable of communing with all 5 of the elements, let alone a young man from a remote village and a family of no repute. What is your family’s trade Jason?”
“My father is a smith sir. My 2 brothers were both chosen during the selection several years ago and we have had no word from them. My mother passed away when I was only a small child.”
“Very peculiar. Not only a powerful young one but several other selected from the same family. What think you Rabhadh?” Gliocas turned to inquire of the large surly looking mage sitting on the chair marked with the Earth symbol.
“This scrawny l’il whelp…I am not buying it” Rabhadh replied. “Proof him. More likely the Windspeaker screwed up the bloody test.”
“HOW DARE YOU!” A booming voice arose from the Wind Magi. “Windspeakers do not make mistakes you mud slinger.” Jason immediately realized he was in the middle of something much bigger then himself.
The following few minutes erupted into a cacophony of slurs being hurled back and forth between the clans. Gliocas all the while sat still, pensive in his chair, seemingly oblivious to the display around him. At last there was a pause as Gliocas rose to speak.
“Jason, step forward and place your hand on the Scry.” He gestured the floating orb. Cautiously Jason moved towards the sphere and apprehensively placed his hand on its surface. Immediately the room around them began to change. The empty space began to fill. A river erupted from the wall and divided the floor, a massive gust of wind nearly blew Jason from his feet. The bright light in the room grew even bright until it was almost blinding, Trees shot up from the earth at their feet and brilliant blue flame surrounded the orb.
Gliocas’ smile beamed from ear to ear. Rabhadh let out a bellowing laugh “The l’il bugger can actually do it!” He exclaimed. As Jason’s hand remained on the orb the room continued to come to life and he felt similar sensations to his time at the Trial.
“Enough.” Gliocas whispered to Jason. “You have proven yourself indeed.” Jason slowly removed his hand from the Orb, the room returned to normal. “We have enough proof. While the Trials can at times prove…uncertain there is no doubt in the Scry. He is an Omni.” A silence overcame the room again. The emotions were seemingly varied. Some smiles, some scowls and one face of absolute in trepidation on one overwhelmed young man.
“Rionnag is there any precedent in the Bastion Archives on the matter?” Gliocas inquired of the Windspeaker.
“It has been so long since the last Omni that all the archives entail are rumors and fables. Nothing factual and as such nothing of use in the current circumstance.”
“There is power in him.” The Fire Magi spoke for the first time. “While Teine often prefers to cage power the Fire clan is also open to wielding power.”
Gliocas paused. “We have much to consider. Jason there is no doubt that you are selected. There is no one here who can deny you have a unique ability to attune to all of the elements and the potential to be both a great risk to Eledor or a great blessing.”
Jason couldn’t help but let out a sigh of exasperation. To see the most powerful Magi of the nation speak this way about him, his aspirations to stand among them only a short time ago now seem so distant and his only desire now is to be back home tending the Forge.
“With all this said” Gliocas continued “The decision still must be made as to whether we welcome Jason into our ranks or whether we condemn him as an outcast to the Bastion. As with all things time can often be the determining factor and with so much to accomplish with the new selected I propose this solution, an experiment of sorts. We permit Jason the opportunity to join the selected in their initiation. As time progresses we will know more of his potential and his place within the Clans.”
“Give the runt a shot. It’ll make things interesting at least!” Rabhadh exclaimed patting Jason on the shoulder.
“The Bastion has always operated on a vote.” Rionnag nagged.
“Very well! As Rionnag suggests a vote. All those in favor of admitting Jason into the ranks of this years selected.” Gliocas replied.
Gliocas, Rabhadh and the Water Magi’s sigils lit up. Jason took this as a sign of approval. As the others glanced at one another time passed very slowly until at last Gliocas spoke. “As we cannot come to a conclusion for or against as the Archmage of the Bastion I approve you Jason as a temporary initiate of the Clans. After one year’s time we the Bastion will gather again to make a final decision as to your role within the Kingdom of Eledor and the role you will play within this Tower.” Grumbling resumed among the Magi for a time.
“All the remains now is for you to choose a Clan. The purpose of the Trial is to simplify this process and place you in a Clan that is best suited to your abilities. Given your particular affinity however as an Omni the decision of your Clan now falls on you Jason. Know that each Clan while different in nature are all part of a greater whole. The Light Clan stand as the Bastion’s great healers, they are known for quiet but kind demeanor. The Earth Clan are the architects and crafters of the Kingdom, they are strong and resolute. The Wind Clan are the keepers of wisdom, clever and curious in all things. Fire Clan are the protectors of Bastion and Neart, passionate warriors with fiery temperament. Water Clan the diplomats of Bastion, cunning and pensive they are the Clan that reaches to the outside world to represent the Bastion and keep the peace with the neighbors of Eledor.”
Jason stood even more dumbfounded. He stood in silence, intimidated by the mere presence of the council. As he looked from face to face he was greeted by variety of glares, stares, scowls, and smirks. He considered all that had happened since leaving the valley, all he had seen. In the end all his yearning brought him back to his time in the Forge at home and he knew where he belonged.
The Departure
As Jason awoke he found himself in his room. How did he get here? Was it all a dream. He remembered the Trial but here he was alone in his home. What had happened…Suddenly Joy burst into the room. “Finally, you are awake. You have been out for days. We were starting to get worried about- “Eòlas pushed past her.
“Enough you silly girl. There are important matters to discuss. Young man do you understand what you have done?”
Jason couldn’t so much as muster a response. The once seemingly tiny elderly Magi now had an aura of authority that was immense and keeping Jason pinned to his bed, silent.
“The Trial is designed to not only recognize the affinity one may have towards the elements but also their potential in developing into a powerful Magi. In history of the council there have only be 2 others who had the ability to attune with all the elements, but none who have been able to activate all 5 seals. At first, we were unsure whether to accept you as you seemed unable to attune to any of the elements. Now we are unsure whether to accept you or destroy you. The amount of power you displayed in your trial if not kept in check could be…devastating.”
Jason grew even more uneasy as she spoke. Destroyed? Did she just say destroyed! He began to scan the room much like a mouse caught in a trap. Frantic and looking to scurry anywhere to escape the danger he now faced.
“As the 5 Magi here are only representatives of each clan of the Magi and not the leaders themselves I have decided that you are to be brought to Neart immediately for consideration or judgement. The Bastion will decide your fate.”
The Bastion was no small name. The Bastion was a collective of the 6 most powerful Magi in the nation. Eledor had been guarded by the Bastion for centuries and few seldom saw the Magi that hold those position for council let alone the entire Bastion. Jason knew this was not a suggestion. Eòlas departed the room and could be heard booming directions to the other Magi in the room adjacent followed by scattered noises of people gathering their affairs. It appears their departure was imminent.
Jason sat on his bed still scatter brained and a little delirious. He looked up to see Joy still standing in the corner with a smirk on her face. “Now you have done it.” She turned and left. Sometimes Jason really hated that girl.
Soon enough the council was packed, and the horses were assembled. Jason had been placed under the care of the Fire Magi, his name was Teine. Teine being from the Fire clan had assumed the role of Warden for the duration of the voyage. The Fire clan was known to be the clan responsible for policing the kingdom and were quite adept at ensuring prisoners in their care did not escape and faced stiff justice. Teine spoke to Jason only once “Get on the horse. Don’t talk. Don’t run. Or else.” And that was that.
Jason resolved to his equine prison took note of his entourage. The 5 Magi were present as well as Joy but leading the expedition was a military escort provided by the village, and with them was Aaron. As soon as Jason made eye contact Aaron turned his horse and approached Jason’s side.
“My father has appealed the decision of the council on my behalf and has requested that I be retested in Neart. Don’t think you are going to get rid of me that easily.” He laughed and returned to his place at the head of the procession. Jason was in no way surprised. Privilege often afforded some luxuries of this kind, but Aaron’s being accepted as Magi held very little bearing on his current crisis. Jason tried to stay focused and calm. The party left with sun setting on the valley. Jason looked back as he saw his farm shrink into the distance. This very well may be the last time he was to ever lay eyes on his simple little village. What he thought would be a joyous escape now had a bitter sting of remorse.
The journey to Neart was about a 3-day ride, made even longer by the silence and strict overwatch Jason had been placed under. He took some comfort as he watched Joy enjoy the company of the Magi and Aaron prancing like a proud little peacock at the head of the line but all the time the fear of the awaiting judgement weighed heavy on him.
Days passed and at long last the party crested the hill that revealed Eledor’s illustrious capital. Neart was a towering sight to behold. The city at first glance seemed almost as 5 massive cities clumped closely together. Each section of the city was occupied and run by a different clan of the council. Each borough had a unique architecture that seemed to flow from their element and standing boldly in the center was the Tower of the Bastion. This massive monolith was not only the place of the Magi Tribunal that the Bastion sat on but also was the home of the Academy. Joy along with the other selected would be living in their respective sector but would all come together and attend classes within the Academy.
As they entered the capital they were witness to hundreds of Magi envoy all returning from the Trials. Some bringing dozens of selected and some parties like our own only a select few. Waves and cheering from the citizens of the capital echoed through the streets as the envoys all made their way to foot of the Tower. As the party came to a stop they saw a massive display of the elements spiraling from the top of the Bastion to the ground. The Bastion now stood on high above the masses.
“Welcome young ones! I am Gliocas, the Archmage of the Bastion. It brings us great joy to see so many of you gathered here. It fills us with hope for the future of Eledor that, so many young ones are gathered here. Your classes in the first year at the Tower have been assigned to you. Each of you will study the History of Eledor, Basic Casting, Battle Magic, and Traveler’s magic as well at the end of the first semester you will be appointed to a specific role within your clan that you will attend classes to fulfill. You will see below me there are 5 distinct entrances to the academy. At this time, we request that you approach your elements entrance and register for your first year here with us. This is an exciting time, prepare yourselves, great trials await.”
No sooner had he finished speaking when the masses began to scatter to and fro making their way to their entrance. Out of the corner of his eye Jason caught Aaron being escorted to the civilian entrance at the back of the Bastion to be retested. He could not see Joy anywhere, she must have already left. Without warning Teine dragged Jason from his horse and started to push him in the same direction Aaron had headed towards only moments ago.
“Remember, don’t speak, don’t run. Your very life is in the hands of the Bastion now.” Teine grunted at Jason.
As they approached the ornate entrance to the Tower, Jason saw dozens of beautiful statues arranged meticulously throughout the lobby as well as walls covered in what Jason could only assume were names.
“The hall of the fallen.” Teine said. “These names are all the Magi who have given their lives in the defense of Eledor. The statues are monuments to the great Archmages of the past. When you walk this hall, you bow your head in respect.”
As Jason continued to move forward he saw a large pad glowing at the end of the corridor. Teine and Jason stood on the pad and as they did Teine began to make sharp swift gestures with his hands. Suddenly, the pad shot up to the to the top of the tower like a firework. Flames forcing the pad to go ever higher until at last they reached the peak. It took everything Jason had not to lose his stomach from the sudden start and stop of the lift. Teine shoved him off the pad and suddenly they were standing face to face with Gliocas and the Bastion. The time of judgement had come.
Rise: A Tale of Eledor
The sun was rising over the peaks that guarded the quaint valley below. The morning mist crept across the fields and farms. The crisp bite of the breeze made the hairs on the back of Jason’s neck stand at attention. The scenery seemed almost perfect as though the day itself was preparing itself for what was to come. Jason cherished these brief moments of seeming stillness to collect himself before the hustle and bustle of the village began. Today was day of great importance, today was the day of the Trial. The little village was like many in the outskirts of Eledor, small and of no great repute. The town was mundane and seemed void of excitement. Day after day, the same routine without change. But today was different.
The Magi council from the capital would be arriving any moment and the year’s new Trial would begin. Once again, the capital, Neart had sent out its envoy to discover new talent to join the strength of the Magi Tower. The Trial was an illustrious occasion and one that Jason hoped would alter his future forever. Not much was known about the inner workings of the Trial other than it was always performed in secret. Those chosen are simply whisked away to the capital those who fail can never remember even being a part of the testing as though there very memories had been stolen from them.
Jason had yearned to follow in the footsteps of his brother who had already been selected in years past. It had been nearly a decade since his eldest brother Adam had been selected. Jason faced the new day with hope, and a glimmer of uncertainty. Was he prepared? Could he become a great Magi? Only time could tell. Jason collected himself and began his daily routine. Jason’s father was the town blacksmith and had taught Jason the skills of the forge. His father had hoped that perhaps his younger son would carry on the trade, but the allure of the Tower was too great for Jason to resist. There was so much to do before the Trial and he was determined not to miss out on the excitement.
As midday arrived the village horn resounded through the valley, the time had come. Jason was eager to join his friends Joy and Aaron and begin his life as Magi. Covered in sweat and dirt took off like a flash towards the village center. As he approached he saw the entire town gathered in preparation. The mayor Arus had just about come to the end of his address as Jason entered the square.
“…. our illustrious guests from the Capital will now begin the selection process. I present to you Eòlas the adjudicator for this year’s trial.”
Jason looked on with anticipation as the party of Magi gathered behind the mayor parted and a modest elderly woman stepped forward to the front of the stage.
“Greetings to you all!” She declared in a voice seeming much larger than her stature. “This Trial is an honored tradition. It is a moment of great possibility for our kingdom. Each year we seek out those who would join us in protecting Eledor against any foe by taking up the craft and joining in the battle against the darkness. There are many who yearn for the opportunity, but few are chosen. Should you be called to the life of the Magi know that your days may be few, your challenges will be many, and your foes will be endless.”
The crowd had died down, the excitement that had been there only moments ago seemed charged with tension. The trial was about to begin. Eòlas resumed her address
“As you all know all those men and women who have reached the age of adulthood this year may step forward to be tried. This will be your only opportunity to do so, consider wisely.”
Jason looked around and saw his friends Aaron and Joy standing near the front of the crowd. They had been nearly as eager as he was to approach the trial. Jason ran to their side.
“Where have you been?” Aaron remarked. “You almost missed the selection!”
“There was work to be done.” Jason replied, a smirk on his face. Jason reveled in poking fun at his friend. Aaron, the pampered son of the Mayor and while they had been friends as long as he could remember, and Jason never missed an opportunity to poke a little fun. In the entire time Jason had known though Aaron had never worked a day of his life. Renowned in the village for his fashion sense and his ability to throw the most extravagant parties. He was singlehandedly responsible for any kind of town night life. “We can’t all be a pretty peacock” Jason continued.
“Cut it out you two!” Joy exclaimed raising her nose from yet another book. Joy was eternally the voice of wisdom in their little party. A strong young woman whose passion for knowledge was only surpassed by the thrill of a test and even with the Trial upon them she seemed inseparable from her latest text. She could not wait to ace this Trial and begin a life devoted to studying the mystic arts. The trio smiled at one another and continued to listen as the Magi was just finishing the address.
“All those who are prepared to face the trial step forward.” Many familiar faces started to emerge from the crowd and as Jason, Aaron and Joy advanced to face the council. In all 12 hopefuls stood awaiting trial. Only 1 or 2 ever pass the selection process but Jason remained hopeful that he like his brothers before him would pass without fail.
The Council motioned for the 12 to enter the town hall. As the line walked through the massive oak doors they found themselves in an unfamiliar space. The town hall was typically arranged with benches and a pulpit so that town meetings could accommodate the monthly gathering to discuss village affairs. Instead as they entered the room the only things in sight were 5 podiums with ornate symbols floating above each.
Eòlas again began to speak in her booming voice “Welcome. The trial will not take long. There will be no knowledge required, no feats of strength demanded only a simple task. These podiums each represent one of the schools of Magic represented on the council.” She motioned behind her. “Flame, Water, Earth, Air, Light. Each of you will approach the podiums and place your hand on the symbol. When you have completed the trial, we will announce those who have passed the selection. For those of you that are not selected you will remember nothing as you leave these doors.” Jason watched as she spoke and seemed to conduct music in the air. Her hand slowly glide from side to side…she was casting! “Let’s begin!”
One by one the hopefuls approached the podium and placed their hands on the symbols. One by one they rejoined the group. Behind each of the podiums stood a representative from the council. They showed no signs of acknowledgement to any who passed by them. The group grew restless at last it was just Aaron, Joy and Jason left.
“I’ve got this.” Aaron announced boldly to the Magi gathered before himas he approached the first podium. One by one he boldly thrust his hand on the symbol. Still nothing happened. As he rejoined the group he shot Jason a smirk as though to boldly show is accomplishment of passing the trial. Jason ignored him.
Next Joy approached the podium and one by one she passed her hand over the symbol. First light, nothing. Earth, nothing. Water, nothing. As she approached the Air podium Eòlas stood watchful. Joy reached her hand out over the symbol and all of a sudden, the symbol began to rise and spin from the podium. The hopefuls gasped in unison.
“You are a Windspeaker young one. Welcome.” Immediately Joy was escorted from the room and the trials resumed. “Step lively” Eòlas commanded. Jason felt as though his heart was going to leap from his chest. He reached out his hand to the first podium. Light... Jason felt a tingling sensation shoot up his arm and as he looked down the symbol started to open. Jason thought he could see a light about to burst from the symbol when all of sudden it simply stopped. The Magi behind the podium seemed about to speak and paused, then shook his head and motioned for Jason to continue. As Jason continue down the podiums the same thing continued to occur. Earth seemed to shake and about to split open as an earthquake and then it ceased. The Water began to drip seeming as though it would splash onto the floor and it stopped. As each podium was passed the Magi who had previously been calm and collected seemed to grow more and more intrigued. Each of them simply shaking their heads and motioning for Jason to continue his Trial. As he approached the final podium of flame a small spark seemed to emanate from the symbol on the podium, but no flame would light.
Startling Jason, Eòlas’ voice boomed. “The Trial is at an end. All those who have not been selected please exit the way you came. You are not Magi.” Aaron opened his mouth to protest but before he could utter a word Eòlas shot him a powerful stare. She began conducting again and suddenly as if on command Aaron was spun to face the door and pushed towards it. Jason turned from the final podium and began to make his way to the door, broken…. he had failed. Suddenly there was a hand on his shoulder. One of the male Magi had grasped him. Jason could not move. “You will wait young one.” He uttered.
As the room emptied out Joy was brought back into the room. She saw Jason and was seemingly overwhelmed with happiness. Jason however could show no emotion other than fear. Had he done something wrong? Why was he being held back. As he stood in silence he watched as the council began talking back and forth in seemingly heated debate. Jason could not make out everything that was being said but whatever it was it had the Magi irritated. At last Eòlas stomped her foot to the floor. She began to gesture with her hands once again and the 5 podiums began to drift together she removed the symbols from each and they all began to float in front of her. She motioned for Jason to step forward.
“What has happened here today has not happened in centuries. It appears you have the potential for all the forms and yet the aptitude for none. I would ask that you again place your hands over the symbols, so we may end this debate once and for all.” Jason reached out his hand to once again repeat the process however as he did so Eòlas shifted her hand and the five symbols formed a single stack. The moment Jason’s hand was in position immediate the five symbols started to change. Air swirled, Earth quaked, Water flowed, Fire burned, Light gleamed. In seaming unison, the five symbols began to rotate and form a band around Jason’s hand. At this even Eòlas was taken aback, her composure shattered “What the hell….” She exclaimed. Suddenly, the circle stopped, and Jason collapsed to the floor.
title: Rise: A Tale of Eledor
genre: Epic Fantasy
age range: 15+
word count: Currently only 8 chapters written and manuscript is sitting at 13537 words (This excerpt is chapter 1 and is 2023 words)
author name: Dan Willis
why your project is a good fit: Passionate about writing entertaining face paced Fantasy novels for a wide demographic
the hook: The story will resonate with fans of the Jordan, Brooks and Eddings but also pulls in story elements inspired by manga/manwha
synopsis: The story of Jason a young man in the world of Tamahr and his journey to joining the ranks of great Magi of Eledor
target audience: Lovers of epic fantasy
your bio: CEO of a digital marketing firm and proud father of 7. Married for 12 years and has a fierce passion for good food, good times and most of all a good read.
education: Some college and nearly 10 years of professional experience as a CEO
experience: First foray into professional writing
personality / writing style: Fast paced and hard hitting. If I get bored reading it I re-write it.
likes/hobbies: As a Canadian fairly standard likes; beer, hockey, my wife and kids and a great read or movie from time to time.
hometown: St Isidore, Ontario
age (optional):32