Ok with dreaming
I lay, I rest, And sleep
Thinking this takes me away
From the pain I felt
Inside me somewhere
Both body and soul ache
My hands ache, coz u never hold them
My soul ache, coz u never let me feel ur love
Never letting me know a chance
If do I have something or nothing.
So I sleep to go and dream
Wishing I feel you
Even if it’s all just a dream.
What we really tend to know
If you can’t act as someone, that’s the thing! You get to be yourself you just need more time, time past by but time makes you someone better than you used to. Time teach you something you don’t want to know! Or better than things you wanna know! Coz we thought of things we think it’s best for us! But look! things happen that we don’t expect and we tend to accept it and by accepting what happen we learn stuff and those stuff build us what we are today...