I am not sure if it qualifies as mental abuse but for me, it adds up to be just that.
I struggle everyday with my ADD. Life is really hard living lke this.
My family always believed that my medication was enough to help me. And I thought that was true. They would get mad at me everyday for me not being able to remember things. They told me I would never be enough and that I will never succeed in life. My mom told me I could not have possibly gotten a boyfriend and since I did, it must have been a mistake and he would never want someone like me. I try to explain to them what is going on but they never listen. They constantly batter me about how stupid I am, how annoying, immature, ugly, crazy and everything else I could be. They question my well being. This has torn me down and I do not know where I stand anymore. I do not know why I have to get up every morning. Do not know why I am here other than to cause them pain. I do not know if this is mental abuse but it feels like it is to me.