Just a writer trying to push herself out of her comfort zone by taking on new challenges and sharing her work.
Wriggling and panicked
They know their fate. Green, blue, violet –
Their redness matters most to you.
Flames lit,
They dance with the breeze.
It’s all there –
You’re getting closer.
Mint, dirt and lavender overwhelm.
Beams of moonlight pick their spots.
Eyes peer around – Fragments of their lives crushed away.
It’s smooth but chunks resist – The brown, it stains and fills you.
The trees gossip carries, They’re not as quiet as they think.
The clouds push the moon away, Your smile flickers and widens.
Redness spills on the ground,
Shapes muddled together -
The murkiness flirts with you,
Your body is needed.
You let it in,
You’ve done well.