Always trying out..
In high school I always tried out…
I loved basketball..but never made the team..
I held a hockey stick…but couldn't make the grade..
I had a tennis racket..but my garage wall was my partner…
I served a mean volleyball..but only in the air
I've never experienced being a cheerleader or attempted a split..
I never experienced being in the ‘cool group’..
Or partied with the football team..
In summers I couldn't go to the shore with my was always as a couple..
I've always been a great swimmer, but I could never ‘water ski’..all legs tangled in leads…
In the winter I tried to ski..but sitting on my butt was easier sliding down..
I've never parachuted out of a plane..I'd probably puke in the air
So many things in the world “I wish I could” but never trying things is the best I'm going to be..