Booze Hound.
I'm a raging alcoholic,
but in a functional sort of way.
the liquor at night is quicker
but pints keeps me moving
throughout the day.
I still get shit done though,
sometimes I do a lot
but I swear I feel my liver quiver
as I consume my 8th shot
by four o' clock
remembering, I forgot
breakfast but continue on anyways
with a belly full of rot.
I stuff my laces in my shoes
and drag my feet as I head out.
Mouthwash and cigarettes
hiding any hint of booze
as I breathe out
a strange combination of
guilt and comfort
from my tarnished mouth.
Hidden in plain sight,
a booze hound by both:
Day and Night.
Will my demon overcome my
Will function in society?
Will this depressant slowly
erode me?
Will I succumb
to those few individuals that
strive to deprive me?
I don't know.
Let me finish this drink
and then come sit beside me
I'll tell you a bit about how I think
and why my inner demon,
Will never define me.