These gasoline fumes smell like butterscotch
It feels like my ribs are shaking
there seems to be an earthquake in my lungs
and the flowers I took so long to grow there
are being tossed around and thrown into my blood stream
Sunflower petals are not made to fit into arteries
It feels like my brain is missing
like the only thing that sits atop my head
is a heavy iron weight made of onyx scribbles
there is something so wrong up there it had to be crossed out
It feels like my lips are a burnt battleground
And my eyes are almost as hallow as the pit that lives in my abdomen
My hands shake like hummingbird wings
and my heart is a mangled Martyr cross atop a steep cyanide shrine
It feels like I don't have a smile
but a muzzle snarling
I'm so rabid I don't even know what I'm howling at
but even the wolf knows when the danger about is real
It feels like my entire body is a grotesque collage of nightmares
the only thing missing is the lanky dark figure who swallows me up at night
I don't know who dreamed me up but I was not made to stay idle