///// Nightdwellers 'Beginning Line' Challenge (November 1st) /////
Someone once said ‘A desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy.’ and I think it might have something to do with this month, so to celebrate all your parliamentary revolutions and the fifth’s festivities, here’s a line… ‘I ROLL ASH BETWEEN FINGER AND THUMB’…Tag it #nightdwellers #beginningline, oh the quote was from Guy Fawkes if you was wondering… Get scribbling peeps ;)
Crimson Regret
I roll ash between finger and thumb,
twilight drenched with crimson regret,
plunging on weight of my world,
drained remains of stained embers,
death strewn amongst the dirt and stench -
a scorched inferno ignited by careless sparks,
misfortune cards dealt by condemning winds
as face of fiery passion dons devil mask.
I turn my back to grim reaper of regret,
pledging redemption to somber black shadows.
All that remains of spontaneous combustion
is a tiny check mark on torn pieces of soot
illuminated by weak neon light, fading.