The Birth of Folly
Every ending has a new beginning.
Well, I ended him all right. He shouldn’t have done it but he did. So I did – end him I mean.
I carefully stirred antifreeze into one of two glasses and handed the spiked tea to him as I smiled and kissed him. He never realized that It was a goodbye kiss as he contemplated leading me to the bedroom. II enjoyed it thoroughly as I watched him swig his tea with its lovely dose of antifreeze. It was no secret to me that he was both a cheater and a liar but I really did not care anymore because I knew I was about to have a new beginning.
If only I had realized that the outcome of my new beginning might not be a good one! As I walked away from his very stiff body, I decided to take a swig of the other tea which I had not spiked. Unfortunately, he had surreptitiously spiked my tea when I went to wash my hands. Not only was he a cheater and a liar but I found out the hard way that he was also was a murderer. In retrospect, my ending wasn’t that bad as I floated off into oblivion, hoping for a new beginning.
When I finished traveling to my new beginning, to my horror, there he was with a malevolent smirk on his face!
Vortex of Madness
Whirling, swirling, swiftly
Madness stranger creeps in
planting subliminal messages
of insanity into my mind
the voices, the voices
mindless masked intruder
digging graves of no meaning
finger hooked into my wall
in insane dots of fractured thought.
Whirling, swirling, swiftly
Stranger absorbs me, takes me away
caterwauling rhymes of madness
ebony rocks striking my face
unpredictable fire - sweet and sour
elevator erupting up but never stopping
dressing me with mad sparkled wreaths
blinks of delusion smite my eyes
spinning, spinning out of control.
Whirling, swirling, swiftly
Nonsense words scar my festering soul
moonlight falls out of loveless sky
collapsing into sunken eyes of mine.
dried up barren well, I lick my lips
feeling nothing, locked in darkness
heartbeat freezes, I don’t breathe
craziness prevails as I sigh softly
we are not so different at all.
Whirling, Swirling, Swiftly
Insanity is earth, twisted and fractured
marigolds marching, invading, closing ranks
madness is genius, kicking and screaming
bones jabbed with pain, without release
cemented feeling encasing my blackness
obsessed with death, don’t know where I am.
blooms of craziness hurled by stranger
infiltration of fogginess, flowing madness
mind wanderer lost in struggle evermore
out, out damned spot, blood on my hands.
The hunter in the tangled thicket looked out through bloodshot eyes at the forest clearing before he ran toward his prey. He felt his anger boiling up from his cauldron of festering rage. Why did his father dislike him so much that his only childhood memories were of beatings and scathing remarks? He still had the scars that his father had inflicted. Even his mother hadn’t wanted him. Sometimes, she even sent him to bed without supper for no reason at all. Now that he was no longer a child, he could finally get back at all those who had caused him grief. His world was a dark, foreboding place as he tried to keep his escalating insanity in check.
A young woman was kneeling on the yellowed grass in the open space, picking wild strawberries and humming a little melody. Why should she be happy when he was so miserable? He took careful aim with his rifle, imagining she was a rabbit, and shot her in the back. She moaned as she flailed her limbs, trying to survive as she gasped her last breath.
The huntsman smiled to himself as he pondered his name, Chase. It was such an appropriate name for one who preyed on others. Running over to his young victim, he prodded her with his rifle but she didn’t budge. He wiped the saliva from his toothless mouth, slung her over his back, and headed back into the forest to the little dingy cabin where he lived.
“Ma! Pa!” he yelled, still trying to attain their approval after all this time. “Here’s another one for the barbie! Stoke up the grill!”
They Didn’t Believe Me
I hear his stomach growling so loudly it hurts my ears.
I run into my Mommy's and Daddy's room and tell them about the monster under my bed. "Go back to sleep, they mumble, "it was just a nightmare."
Now I am very mad. I look under my bed and see his glowing eyes.
"You sound very hungry," I say. "Go into Mommy's and Daddy's room and they will feed you.
So the monster does and they feed him.
"You were delicious," I hear him to say to my parents as he smacks his lips.
That's what they get for not believing me!
Hearing Your Name
Translucence of eyes
speaks to my soul,
a poem of light
curves of my need,
quiet grace
coy smiles and glances,
simmering lips
dew kissed morn.
of butterscotch moon
I see you
dazzling star night.
Your flame kindles
my burning desire
intrigue arousing
strength of my loins.
Perfume engraved
permeating my mind,
gleaming ebony hair
your sensual disguise.
Drawn to your words,
hearing paradise,
needing to devour
splinters of time.
Soft caresses
lost in longing,
engraved in the heart
of deep shallow wells.
Quenching my thirst
pools of emotion,
cradled in enveloping peace,
overcome with shivers
when I hear your name.
Skeletons on Clotheslines
Tango of shame
I am to blame
words carving
life slot starving
magic pluck
no such luck
dip into soft jar
weary hand from afar
widen the road
madness unload
stomp into ground
solution not found
naked words
hushed birds
molten breath
sudden death
skeletons strung
clotheslines flung
slice the wind
cover sin
tense echoes
lined in rows
no elbow room
certain doom
long reach
I beseech
infinite sky
let words fly
unhinge the strings
free thought rings.
Death Clock
Alarming clock
ticking on wall,
thinking of ways
to kill us all,
sharpening hands
and honing minutes.
Every second counts
as it lays its plan,
circling around
to entrap your soul.
Just when you think
you’re safe
to come out of
your chair,
to safe haven,
hands reach out
around your neck.
Tick tock -
you’re dead!
Moments of time
have absconded,
screams fade,
as clock
tick tocks.
Heat lightning flashed in streaks of promise lighting up the dark sky. I was getting antsy and, yet, a frenzy of anticipation warmed my body and awakened my urgent longing.
Because I hadn’t killed anyone since last Friday, my overwhelming need for power and dominance was building up in a crescendo. I climbed into my car; well actually it was my former girlfriend’s car, but she was already dead. To make a long story short, I called her Friday. I always labeled my victims by the day of the week that they met their end. The moon hid behind dark clouds as I peered through the dead of night to find my next victim. I was fired up and quite titillated when I saw a young woman at the side of the road, looking in frustration at her flat tire on her vehicle.
Her leather mini skirt was hiked up to spotlight her rounded ass as she bent over the tire. But it really didn’t matter what she looked like to me because I knew that control was what turned me on and the rest didn’t concern me all that much. I was superior and would show her how to tremble and fear me until her last drop of scarlet blood leaked out onto the ground. I shivered in expectation as I pulled to a stop behind her and got out of my car. “Do you need help?” I asked her in my best reassuring voice, as I tried to hide my darkness.
With a helpless smile on her face, she simpered, “I can’t get the lug nuts to loosen. Would you mind trying?”
I thought I saw something flash behind her eyes but I thought it probably was just relief. She handed me a flashlight and I got down on my haunches to take a look. I turned back to reassure her that I would be able to take care of her tire and almost smirked because I could see right up her skirt to her dark reward because she wasn’t wearing any panties. I felt a surge of excitement because I knew I had her where I wanted her.
When I turned back to her she said in a deceptively sweet voice, “Here’s a lug wrench that you can use.” Was it my imagination or did I see a sly look on her face? Maybe she wanted something from me but it wouldn’t be as much challenge if she was looking forward to a sexual encounter.
That was the last thought I ever had as she smashed the wrench down on my skull so forcefully that pieces of bone and brain matter sprayed in a pink misted arc.
I felt like I was somewhere in space, looking down at the gory scene. I imagined I saw a
triumphant smile turning up the corners of her lush mouth as she said, “He is Monday!”
Heat lightning flashed in streaks of promise lighting up the dark sky.
Long Reach of Silence
Lost in the dark, tangled in silken threads
skeleton fingers of old wounds
leaving empty spaces between lunacy
and distorted visions of obsidian darkness.
Mourning in cobalt skies of midnight hours
forest becomes enemy of old torments,
stones knead blisters on quivering feet -
confusion of illusions in dress of doom.
Muted energy splinters along my trail
unraveling nerves in soupy congealed mist,
rough sands of time lingering in deep recesses.
cracked jars of pain hang breathless from limbs
Fist of night pummels in long reach of silence
eroding numbness fading into nothingness.
a crashing, crushing soliloquy absorbing
intensity between shadow and soul.