Friday the 13th
Dear Diary,
Well, the day has come at last. I really knew it would, you know. After all, every science channel and website (including has predicted it. The zombie apocalypse has come!
Mom is as scared as can be. Fortunately enough, I have been preparing for this day my whole life. The doomsday treehouse is prepped and ready for use. It is hidden right behind the...Oh, I shouldn't tell you, dearest Diary. You could get into the wrong hands!
The zombies are quite peculiar. They keep knocking on our windows and doors and demanding that we give them blood and brains. It's the first time that my family is actually asking me for my advice on zombies! You know, I used to just tell them about zombies whether or not they asked for information, but now I really feel like my knowledge is being put to good use!
Every news channel is covering this day in history. Apparently, just in our area, seven people have already been killed. One of them was Mrs. Flanderson, that awful P.E. teacher of mine. Guess I won't be running the mile for awhile!
Well Diary, now I have to go. Dad is freaking out because one of the zombies is chasing our cat down the street.
Bye for now!