How I Gave Up Smoking
I tasted those final hours
in the palette of days
before your passing
whilst you lay tormented
and spitefully mindless
me awake in dreams
of decay and frailty
selfishly owning that pain
and claiming it's stake
the foreshadow
as close as we ever came
to bonded intimacy
martyr, victim, nonsuch saint
I bought those stories
with my lack of currency
whilst breathing the cruelness
of your rancid unjust world
I paid your subordinate
when you fled this realm
that legacy was untenable
with vicious intent
raw breath, bared teeth
you left that gift of hell
amidst cup ringed tables
and yellowed photographs
Tears fell amidst final defeat
with no settlement of close
simply one last fuck you
from that faceless conjuror
who melded this unlikely union
stretching the fabric of insight
may have blinded my eyes
yet I now see through mirrors