Verbose? Me? Nah...
While reflecting back upon the mess that has been 2016, not only am I reminded of the utter despair and physical and mental suffering which I endured that resulted in this being —by far— the absolute worst year of my life —beyond any other— and believe me, there have been many, especially when I was married to my second ex —the disgusting vile abusing monster that he was— yet I digress; in addition to the aforementioned pain, heartbreak, sadness, and difficulties, there have been several positive aspects which I must not forget: first and foremost, the ten books —seven poetry collections, two short story collections, and my nonfiction tour de force The Downfall of American Corrections that examines how prison privatization, mandatory minimum sentences, and the abandonment of rehabilitation in favor of retribution and incapacitation have destroyed an already precarious and inefficient system— I wrote and published; my success in expanding my literary horizons beyond my printed publications to the Twittersphere where I have become addicted to hashtag games and micropoetry in addition to having penned numerous blogs not only for myself but also new clients who I have garnered via various online blogging sites and word of mouth; and my new poker buddies with whom I play several times a week are fun and have brought newfound positivity into my life.